Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 348: Want trash in the villa

In such darkness, because he is by his side, there is no fear and fear, but more peace.

She lay in his arms and soon fell asleep.

Shen Jingyu got up earlier than He Ning, and poured a cup of coffee out of the room. Qin Zheng had arrived early in the morning.

"Qin Zheng, go and see if the He family has been moving recently. I need to know any details."

"Yes." Qin Zheng hurried away immediately.

Shen Jingyu frowned slightly.

Steward Luo has no close relationship with him, so he can't take the initiative to give himself a woman.

Most likely, He Birong and Lan Xi are the two people who love He Peishan the most.

Sending a woman is about-want a child.

Before, Lan Xi mentioned this to Shen Jingyu, trying to hire a surrogate, using Shen Jingyu's sperm and He Peishan's egg to give birth to a common child.

But the doctor rejected the proposal, and the egg retrieval was too heavy for He Peishan's body.

Later, they didn't mention it again.

It is not impossible to repeat the old tricks this time.

Shen Jingyu returned to the room, but He Ning was still asleep.

He hooked his lips. He was really a pig.

After staying for two more days, Ye Shu's interview was over, and Shen Jingyu and He Ning returned to the Portuguese market.

After this interview was broadcast, the response was very good.

The image of Ye Shu has also been welcomed by the audience. His short hair, capable and hearty temperament are in line with the aesthetics of young people nowadays.

She talked eloquently, did a lot of homework, and interacted with the celebrity very interestingly, allowing the audience to discover many unknown aspects of the celebrity.

Her ability is more than enough to be a host, not just a reporter.

"Why don't you think about being a host? Expand this program and become an interview program. The interviewees are not limited to celebrities, but also elites from all walks of life." He Ning suggested.

Chu Zhuohang flipped through the documents in front of him: "Although I am very upset about the loss of a capable reporter-but He Ning is right, you can try."

Ye Shuzhen was a little eager to try: "If you all agree, I have no objection."

The matter is temporarily finalized.

Shen Jingyu sat in the car, at the door of the company, waiting for He Ning to leave work.

Qin Zheng whispered: "I checked, the people of the He family bought the garbage sent out from the villa."

"They also bought a servant and specified the garbage in your room. Let the servant clean up diligently. Once the garbage is generated, give it to them as soon as possible."

"San Ye, are they looking for any confidential documents from your trash?"

"It seems that next time we deal with the **** in your study, we will be more cautious. I have heard before that the boss of a big company was discovered in the rubbish, and he was made to be unable to turn over."

Shen Jingyu's eyebrows were darker, but they were different from what Qin Zheng thought.

The He family didn't need to look for his secrets.

What's the point of grasping each other's handles?

There is a high probability that they want to get something very peculiar.

"Qin Zheng, you help me prepare something and give it to them early in the morning."

Since they wanted it, Shen Jingyu gave it to them.

After Qin Zheng heard what Shen Jingyu said, a big man couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Shen Jingyu asked him to go to the hotel trash can to find the used condoms to serve as garbage for the Shen family villa?

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