Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3490: Can't remove eyes

Feng Ying had to ask Shen Muhan for instructions.

I took a video and sent it to Shen Muhan.

Shen Muhan clicked away, his eyes fell on the face of the woman who was obscured by Xiao Shi, and he couldn't help but cough again.

He retracted his gaze: "Let her send the child back!"

Not only leave, but also want to take away two children from yourself?

no way!

Feng Ying said, "Miss Xia, can you please accompany them back to the villa?"

Xia Jiu really couldn't keep them. Seeing them like this, she had to agree.

She confessed a few words to Sihan.

Sihan's eyes were open, and he said, "Then be careful and protect yourself."

Xia Jiu nodded, held Xiao Shi, and took Xiao Shi out together.

The two of them burst into laughter.

Xiao Shi also grimaced at Sihan, lip-synching: "My mommy!"

Sihan gave him a glance, too lazy to pay attention to him.

The car headed towards the Qiandao Lake Villa.

Shen Muhan has moved here for a while.

In the room, he repeatedly clicked on Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi's shameless video, looking at the unclear woman.

The finger fell on it, then retracted it in a mocking manner, and then threw the phone away.

Feng Ying went upstairs to receive him: "Young Master, Little Young Master and Little Miss are back. And that woman, also came back together."

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to take the mask and put it on his face. Feng Ying knew that he didn't want to see Xia Jiu, let alone let her know that he was still alive, so he reached out and pushed his wheelchair downstairs.

Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven quarreled again for unknown reasons, crying hoarsely.

The servants came to persuade them, but Xia Jiu yelled them away.

They saw that Xia Jiu was the first woman to come to Qiandao Lake, so naturally they didn't dare not listen.

Xia Jiu looked at Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven with her arms folded.

When Shen Muhan's wheelchair came, she saw her figure standing not far away.

Her long hair, like a waterfall, was loosely scattered on her shoulders, still chestnut-colored, with her head tilted, she could vaguely see her small chin and the tip of her nose.

With a playful smile on her face, she seemed to be watching something good.

She hasn't seen her in three years, but she has become thinner. The loose wide-leg pants are smooth and smooth, and the waist is not enough to grasp. The loose sweater of the same color on the upper body makes her even thinner.

Shen Muhan's breathing stiffened for a while, trying to suppress his cough.

"Mommy, you don't help me!" Xiaoshi was wronged, "Xiaoxi hit me!"

When Shen Muhan heard the mummy he called, his fingers were tightly clenched, as if he was about to squeeze his finger bones off.

"Xiao eleven hit you, she was wrong." Xia Jiu said.

Her voice was less soft, more calm, and slightly hoarse.

But it still sounds nice, it's her unique tone with a tail, which hooks people's hearts.

Shen Muhan was all her figure in front of him, and he could hardly hear what she said next.

"But you said she was a little stupid pig, and it hurts people!"

Xiao Shi was not convinced: "It doesn't hurt to be scolded, it hurts to be beaten!"

"Really? Isn't it uncomfortable for you to be scolded and ignored by others?"

"Of course it's not uncomfortable!" Xiaoshi said stiffly.

Xia Jiu said: "Okay, then from now on, I hate you so much and I don't want to talk to you anymore. You will talk to me again in fifteen minutes!"

Xiaoshi was visibly aggrieved with naked eyes.

Xia Jiu deliberately ignored him and stretched out his hand to pick up Xiao Eleven.

"Hey!" One minute is hard for Xiaoshi!

Xia Jiu pointed to the watch on his wrist.

Xiao Shi sat down with her arms in her arms and sulked.

But why is time passing so slowly?

Xiao eleven was held by Xia Jiu and giggled. Xia Jiu glared at her. She was the one who knew she was wrong and was the best at changing her mind, so she stopped laughing immediately.

The whole living room is very quiet, but there is no shortage of warmth.

The servants haven't experienced such a moment for a long time.

Xiao Shi felt that he had waited for fifteen hours: "Is it all right?"

Xia Jiu made a five-character comparison.

Only five minutes passed.

"I'm not coming!" Xiao Shi said angrily.

"You also know that words make you uncomfortable?"

"I'm not, I'm just very impatient."

Xia Jiu sneered: "That's great, if you don't change it, just do it."

Xia Jiu put down Xiao Eleven: "What about you? The habit of beating and biting casually, do you want to change it?"

"Mummy I changed!" Xiao Eleven knows the current affairs as Junjie, and she doesn't want Mommy to ignore her.

"That's a good baby. But, you can't talk about it, let me see your actions."

Xiao eleven nodded fiercely: "I'm sorry, Xiao Shi, I won't beat you anymore."

Xiao Shi hummed.

Xiao eleven made faces at him.

Xia Jiu still ignored Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi couldn't stand it anymore: "I was wrong too, okay?"

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't hurt people with words. Don't ignore me." His voice was like a gnat, but Xia Jiu also let Xia Jiu see his determination.

"Well, if this happens again next time..."

Xia Jiu reached out and picked up their colored pens, and found a special area on the wall for them to draw. He drew two palm prints higher than their height.

"In the future, before you lose your temper, think about it. If you don't think about it, put your hands here and think. If you lose your temper and hurt people, put your hands here and think about it for fifteen minutes, okay?" Xia Jiu asked.

Xiao Shi did not agree.

Xiao eleven has already obediently responded: "Mummy, I am better than him? You like me, don't like him!"

Xia Jiu: "..."

These two little guys are simply boring.

Xiao Shi finally agreed.

"Feng Ying, see off the guests!" Shen Muhan's voice came.

When Xia Jiu heard this sound, he immediately turned around and looked at the man in the wheelchair.

Her heart trembled violently, and she heard that sound just now, that tone really resembled Shen Muhan.

But the voice was not very similar. When Shen Muhan became serious, his voice was cold and compelling, which was shocking.

The man in front of him had a calm and hoarse voice. Although his hostility was heavy, he was very different from Shen Muhan.

Moreover, his figure looked thinner, and he was still sitting in a wheelchair, and he couldn't see the resemblance to Shen Muhan.

He wears a mask, and the exposed corner of his chin has distinct lines, which is much thinner than Shen Muhan.

Xia Jiu stared blankly, unconsciously already a little lost.

It's not.

How could it be?

The end of her eyes was red, and the bottom of her eyes was filled with water, because she thought too much.

Shen Muhan met her gaze, and her eyes were filled with regret, distress, self-blame, and longing, forcing the end of her eyes to be continuously dyed pink.

He can't remove his eyes.

But after a long time, he laughed at himself, fearing that it was not his own illusion?

Does Xia Jiu have these?

"Miss Xia, thank you for sending the young master and the young lady back. Please go over here when you go out." Feng Ying said.

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