Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3508: Hurry back to accompany your boyfriend?

Xia Jiu quickly changed his clothes and rushed to the hotel.

In order to appear more capable, she pierced her head, dressed in a camel-colored cashmere coat, and drove to the hotel.

Soon, she met Cai Jinde in the hotel restaurant.

"Miss Xia, here." Cai Jinde greeted with a smile.

"Lawyer Cai." Xia Jiu followed him.

"Mr. Mu is very busy, but I heard that it was your case. We decided to see you. But whether you can agree to your request depends on whether you can persuade him." Cai Jinde said, "Actually, I am right. This case is quite interesting."

Cai Jinde took her to an empty seat and sat down. It was obvious that Mr. Mu hadn't come yet.

Xia Jiu sat down and chatted with Cai Jinde first.

After a while, Feng Ying pushed Shen Muhan's wheelchair towards this side.

Seeing Xia Jiu's figure in the distance, Feng Ying looked at Shen Muhan with a hatred of iron and steel. The young master ran over all the way, just to help her get a lawsuit?

Did you bring a super powerful lawyer team?

That is to say not to reveal her identity?

"Mr. Mu is here." Cai Jinde stood up and said, "Mr. Mu is good."

He came with his back to Xia Jiu. When Xia Jiu heard the sound of a wheelchair, he secretly sighed, Mr. Mu, is that Mr. Mu really?

She turned her head mechanically: "Hello, Mr. Mu."

Looking down, it really was that one.

She was uncomfortable, and even her ears became pink.

Then she quickly cheered up and calmed herself down.

All her expressions were in Shen Muhan's eyes, and he looked at her with interest.

Shen Muhan still wears a mask, but this is a haute couture box in the restaurant, and there is no one coming and going, so it doesn't attract much attention.

Cai Jinde was not surprised, and introduced the two to each other first.

"Miss Xia, long time no see."

"Mr. Mu and Miss Xia know each other?" Cai Jinde said with a smile.

Shen Muhan was noncommittal.

Xia Jiu said softly: "I have seen it before."

"Miss Xia think we just met?"

Xia Jiu's face flushed. If she hadn't asked him, she would turn around and leave now.

Cai Jinde clearly felt that there seemed to be a story between these two people, and Mr. Mu seemed to be very interested in Xia Jiu.

He said wittily: "Mr. Mu, I remembered that there is still a dossier to look at, so I was a step away from it."

"Lawyer Cai..." Xia Jiu wanted to keep him.

Cai Jinde has gone far.

Xia Jiu pursed his lips: "Mr. Mu, why don't I talk about my affairs."

"Eat first," Shen Muhan said.

Xia Jiu couldn't help giving him this face.

The waiter took the menu to introduce Xia Jiu, and Xia Jiu ordered something at random.

However, Shen Muhan calmly asked which special dishes were, and then carefully ordered a few dishes.

Western food was originally unpleasant to serve, and it took a long time to eat. Xia Jiu was sitting on pins and needles. She wanted to talk several times, but she was interrupted by Shen Muhan.

Even Feng Ying looked anxiously from the sidelines. She obviously formed a team of lawyers so anxiously and flew to France. Now she hangs others and refuses to let them talk. What is this?

Feng Ying was absolutely loyal to Shen Muhan. He had been secretly assisting him before, so he had never had any contact with Xia Jiu.

After such contact, he seemed to understand why Xia Jiu wanted to leave him.

Feng Ying hurriedly stopped this dangerous thought, and stood still.

"Why, it doesn't suit your appetite?" Shen Muhan asked leisurely.

Xia Jiu ate his favorite foie gras, but he didn't know the taste, but it didn't make him happy, so he had to show a sincere smile: "It's delicious, Mr. Mu, you should also eat more."

Shen Muhan then continued to eat slowly.

Xia Jiu waited patiently for him to finish eating, and said, "Mr. Mu, let me talk about my business first. This is how it is... Now only Long Empire or French lawyers with the qualifications to handle transnational cases can take over. Case, so I would like to ask the team of Attorney Cai to help me."

"What is your appeal?"

Xia Jiu looked down and said softly: "My parents were tragically murdered. I don't think the laws of any country can tolerate such behavior. No matter who the murderer is, it should be brought to justice."

"For this kind of thing, you can just find Lawyer Cai, why should you find me?"

Xia Jiu's face flushed: "Attorney Cai said that you need to ask you about this matter. Please agree to my request, Mr. Mu. As for the lawyer's fee, I can pay it twice as much as it is on the market."

What does he mean? Do you think you want to see him specifically?

Shen Muhan didn't speak for a while, just tasting the red wine in his hand.

He just didn't want to agree to her easily, he wanted to see her compromise, but she seemed to... the relationship with him was particularly clear?

Xia Jiu also looked at him, what would he want himself to do?

Do you still have to beg him softly?

Who does he consider himself to be?

Both of them were in a stalemate for a while.

Do not compromise with each other.

Suddenly, a telephone ringing interrupted the peace.

Xia Jiuyi saw that it was his mobile phone, and hurriedly reached out and picked it up: "Hello, baby?"

Her voice suddenly became softer and softened, and her eyebrows were raised slightly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Muhan's wine glass was crushed in his hand with a click, and the red wine flowed all over the floor.

However, Xia Jiu didn't realize it. She was still talking on the phone. She a little avoided Shen Muhan's meaning, speaking in a very low voice.

Feng Ying hurried over to clean up, and Shen Muhan stared at him with sharp eyes.

Feng Ying knew that he was asking himself what was going on in Xia Jiu.

But he doesn't know either!

Who didn't know that Shen Muhan had given the order to die and was not allowed to let people around him check Xia Jiu's relevant situation.

Apart from Chen Qi daring to investigate, where else would anyone dare?

Besides, Feng Ying has always hated Xia Jiu, so he wouldn't ask himself to be boring and do such thankless and thankless things.

So now Shen Muhan asked him, where would he go to find the answer?

Seeing Xia Jiu still talking on the phone, Feng Ying coughed heavily to remind Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu also realized that on this occasion, it was inappropriate for him to talk to Sihan for too long, and hurriedly closed the line: "Good night, baby, go to bed early."

After putting away her mobile phone, she realized that the atmosphere at the scene was more rigid than before.

"I'm sorry, I just answered a private call. I'm sorry." Xia Jiu hurriedly looked at "Mr. Mu".

Shen Muhan's face was already extremely ugly, and his expression was deep: "Hurry and go back to accompany her boyfriend?"

When he said this, his fingers squeezed again.

Feng Ying rescued the glass just before he smashed it into pieces.

Xia Jiu hurriedly said, "I don't have a boyfriend."

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