Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3511: Why would he do that?

Moreover, the Spring Festival of the Dragon Empire is coming soon. This is a very important day. This year, she wants to spend a good time with her friends and family in China, with her friends and family.

Xia Jiu went to the airport with his suitcase, and happened to meet Shen Muhan and his party.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Mu, are you also going back today?"

Feng Ying rolled his eyes on the side. In order to buy the same flight as Xia Jiu, he didn't take much time, guarding the computer and getting blind.

"Yeah." Shen Muhan answered flatly.

Only the indifferent attitude of Young Master could bring Feng Ying a little comfort.

However, in the next second, he heard Shen Muhan asking: "That's how much your luggage is?"

"Huh?" Xia Jiu looked at him puzzled.

"I mean, the last time I saw you prepared a lot of clothes for your husband, this time you moved directly back to the Dragon Empire, so don't you need those clothes?" Shen Muhan asked.

Her suitcase can fit her own summer clothes visually, it's not bad, it really sounds good, but when you really move, don't you bother to take it?

Xia Jiu smiled: "Mr. Mu, do you know about express delivery?"

Shen Muhan's face was slightly hot. Fortunately, his face was hidden by the mask, and his concern was chaotic. What questions he asked without common sense?

Feng Ying: "Oh, my young master, are you just doing that?"

Xia Jiu walked to the front with the suitcase, and Shen Muhan pushed the wheelchair to follow.

Xia Jiu got on the plane and found that, by coincidence, she was in the same VIP cabin as the man.

There are only two seats in this cabin, which is very suitable for rest.

After Xia Jiu got on the plane, after excluding the uncomfortable feeling with him, he immediately put on the blindfold and went into sleep mode.

Shen Muhan sat aside, sleeping unintentionally, looking at her direction all the time.

After getting off the plane, Xia Jiu took the suitcase smartly, said goodbye to him, and walked out. After a while, the people disappeared.

When Shen Muhan came out, she could not be found.

When she approached him, he was afraid that she had ulterior motives and wanted to take the child away, and he was afraid that she would empathize and fall in love with other men.

When she ignored him, he was particularly disappointed.

Shen Muhan squeezed the armrest of the wheelchair, all at a loss for a moment.

Xia Jiu went directly to the Shen family mansion to pick up Si Han.

Sihan hadn't seen him for a long time, missed him so badly, and threw himself into her arms.

Old Mrs. Shen smiled straight at the sight: "We Sihan are usually very sensible and independent. I didn't expect that in front of you, we were still a little bit insignificant."

Shen Ye and Xia Lin were also there, and Xia Jiu just took out the present and distributed it to everyone.

She also bought Sihan the limited-edition Autobot he had always wanted.

Mrs. Shen asked: "I heard that your parents' case has also entered the formal process?"

"Well, this time, fortunately, there is a team of lawyers in the Dragon Empire willing to take over, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle."

"That's good." The old lady Shen said.

Xia Lin looked at Xia Jiu: "Sister, in fact, you don't have to turn against Aikins for me."

"I didn't do it for you, fool, it was your parents and mine." Xia Jiu said, "How can I not seek justice for them?"

"What about Aikins?" Xia Lin was really worried about Xia Jiu.

The Aijinsi family is so powerful that Xia Jiu's resistance should not be small.

"I have nothing to say with her."

Xia Jiu was talking about Atkins herself.

However, it is strange to say that this time Aikins was arrested, and her family should continue to make trouble for herself. Although she is also of her blood, those people are reckless, and after all, she only returned halfway Just a daughter.

What's more, the members of the Atkins family are all from Fiona's father's side. They hate themselves before it's too late. They didn't even act on them this time?

Xia Jiu couldn't think of the reason at that time. Someone must be helping herself behind this. So who was it?

After thinking about it, she could only think of Mr. Mu who was sitting in a wheelchair.

He was so powerful that he even dared to take this case, so he might naturally help deal with the troubles from the Atkins family.

But why did he do that?

She was distracted.

"Mommy? Mommy?" Sihan called her.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xia Jiu's expression immediately became gentle.

"Too grandma stays for us to eat, shall we leave after we have eaten?"

Xia Jiu nodded immediately: "Yeah."

It's just that once the question in my heart is raised, it is not easy to suppress it.

She suddenly remembered that night, she seemed to have felt a scar on him? At that time, she always thought it was in a dream, it was Shen Muhan, so it was normal for her to have scars.

But now I think about it, if there is a scar on my body... Isn't it Shen Muhan himself?

Combining his subsequent behaviors, Xia Jiu finally understood how the familiar feeling in him came from.

He might really be Shen Muhan!

That's why when I hear Sihan's name, I am ecstatic and care about the men's clothes in my family. I will come to France not far away!

As for how he survived, it doesn't matter. A strong man like him can survive a pack of wolves, right?

Also, his children are called Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi!

How could it be such a coincidence!

When Xia Jiu thought of this, the thoughts in his heart gradually became clear, he was still alive!

Shen Muhan is still alive! It's just that he hates her too much, so he refuses to see her in real face!

Thinking of this, Xia Jiu's heart was sore and painful.

Damn oneself, even he didn't separate it!

No, she wants to find him right away!

She put down her chopsticks, and the old lady Shen asked, "What's wrong, Xia Jiu?"

"I'm sorry, grandma, I remembered that I still have something to do." Xia Jiu said, "Sihan, can you go home with auntie first?"

"Well, it's okay."

"Then I'll go first." After Xia Jiu finished, carrying the bag, he almost rushed out.


Shen Muhan returned to the villa.

During the period between Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi, they have always been pretty good. Shen Muhan has put a lot of thought on them recently, and he has video with them every day, trying his best to stabilize them.

The two little guys can actually be considered obedient, it's just because they are too lack of love, and they were raised by a nanny before, that's why they formed such a weird temper.

Once Shen Muhan treats them with care, their attitude will change visibly.

But compared to Shen Muhan, they still prefer Xia Jiu!

Seeing Shen Muhan entering the villa, there was no Xia Jiu by his side, Xiao Eleven immediately cried into his arms: "You said you want to bring Mommy back with you? Why not bring it? Oh, Xiao Eleven doesn’t love it. is you!"

Xiaoshi straightened his chest: "Me too!"

"So where is Mommy? Where is it?" Xiaoxi Sapo.

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