Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3515: Neither do I!

Xiao Shi was eager to do something for Xia Jiu, and immediately carried the juice carefully to Xia Jiu's side: "Mommy, the juice for you! You can try it soon!"

Xia Jiu himself came to get things and didn't want to drink any juice.

But Xiao Shi brought it, and he looked at himself eagerly. Xia Jiu couldn't resist his kindness, so he had to take two big mouthfuls.

After the two mouthfuls, Xia Jiu's throat was a little uncomfortable. She coughed twice, and there was a hot rust smell in her mouth. She took a tissue and wiped it, but blood stains came out.

There was also a burst of colic in the stomach.

"Where did the juice come from?" Xia Jiu asked Xiaoshi.

Xiao Shi was startled, Xiao Eleven was already crying and ran upstairs, "Dad, it's not good, Mommy vomited blood!"

Shen Muhan had actually seen WeChat. After reading a document, he went to see WeChat and found out that he had a conversation with Xia Jiu.

The last sentence of Xiao eleven input, has not had time to click send.

Needless to say, both are the masterpieces of two little guys.

Knowing that Xia Jiu was coming, he didn't plan to go downstairs to see her, but he couldn't enter the documents anyway.

Hearing Xiao Eleven's words, he stood up, "What?"

"Mummy, she was injured, vomiting blood, and she was very uncomfortable!" Xiao eleven cried with tears.

Shen Muhan didn't care about using a wheelchair, so he strode downstairs, and at the same time called Feng Ying to arrange an ambulance.

He went downstairs and saw that there were indeed blood stains on the corners of Xia Jiu's lips, but he was comforting Xiao Shi: "It's okay, I'm okay."

Shen Muhan looked at the juice on the side and the red blood in the tissue she threw down, and asked, "Where did the juice come from? What's the matter?"

Xiao Shi said, "I served it."

"Who made it?"

"So who and who." Xiao Shi could tell the people, but he never remembered the names of these people.

"The aunt Xu." Xiao eleven cried and pointed out.

Xu Yanli was also panicked. She didn't expect the consequences to be so serious. In the sight of Shen Muhan trying to kill, she stammered and said: "I, I added a little glass **** in it. It was broken. I don't have any. I thought it would be like this..."

Shen Muhan kicked her, her body was kicked far away.

He hugged Xia Jiu by his waist and walked out. Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven immediately followed him out. The ambulance outside the door soon arrived, just in time for Shen Muhan.

Xia Jiu was indeed too painful to act, but reminded Shen Muhan: "Look at them, watch them."

At this moment, Shen Muhan had no intention to look at them, and his whole heart was only on her.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor immediately received Xia Jiu and sent her for examination.

"Shards of glass pierced the capillaries between the mouth and the throat. Fortunately, the fragments are not large. We will continue to do an inspection to confirm the condition of the fragments in the stomach so as not to cut the stomach wall.

"Will it hurt?" Shen Muhan asked calmly.

Xia Jiu was most afraid of pain, these glass shards and the like were enough to make people palpitate just listening.

"This is definitely unavoidable." The doctor said, "If there are large glass fragments in the stomach, you need to take them out in time."

Xia Jiu sat at a distance, pulled up the tunic, wrapped herself up, but did not object to it.

She is afraid of pain, but the person who can accompany her when she is in pain is no longer there.

"In addition, Miss Xia herself has a serious gastric ulcer, and she has just come to check it before, so the symptoms of gastric colic just now may also be caused by the original gastric disease." The doctor said.

"Stomach ulcer?" Shen Muhan glanced in Xia Jiu's direction.

With her head hanging down and her long hair covering her face, she couldn't see what she looked like. The doctor said, "It's caused by drinking too much, so you should pay attention to your body and drink less."

Shen Muhan clenched his fists and watched Xia Jiu for an inspection.

Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven stood together hand in hand: "Mommy will be okay?"

"It will be all right!" Xiao eleven nodded firmly.

Xiao Shi also nodded firmly.

"Feng Ying, take them back first!"

"I won't go back!" Xiaoxi Sapo.

Xiao Shi also firmly refused: "Neither do I!"

Shen Muhan didn't give them any chance and gave Feng Ying a wink.

Feng Ying reached out and picked up one with one hand, and took the two small things away.

Xiao eleven was howling and crying.

Xiao Shi whispered: "Let's go back and kill that surname Xu!"

Xiao eleven then stopped crying.

Gastroscopy and removal of glass shards are extremely painful things.

After Xia Jiu finished doing it, her face was pale, and her whole body was dripping with sweat as if she had been fished out of the water.

She was a little erratic in walking, and the doctor told: "We will do a further check to confirm that there are no cancer cells. So you should go through the hospitalization procedures first."

"What cancer cells?" Shen Muhan's eyebrows darkened.

"Miss Xia has such a severe pain, we will do routine investigations for various diseases." The doctor explained, "Don't worry too much."

Shen Muhan's eyebrows did not change, and he sent Xia Jiu to the ward.

"Mr. Mu, I myself have stomach problems. I don't completely blame you for this incident. You go back first." Xia Jiu was a little weak and closed his eyes.

Shen Muhan knew that she had no stomach problems before. In just three years, what did she do with herself?

Xia Jiu had closed his eyes and began to close his eyes to rest up his mind, but Shen Muhan did not leave immediately.

Xia Jiu's stomach pain was a sequelae from the previous drinking.

During the time she went to France, her sleep was extremely poor, and she suffered from insomnia all night and all night, even after taking any medicine, it didn't work.

Only being drunk can give her a little rest, so she drinks often.

It’s just that she only needs to drink a little bit at the beginning, and then she needs to drink a little bit more later. Gradually, she drank more and more during that time.

Later, as Sihan grew older, her symptoms improved, but her stomachaches began to appear.

She had stomach cramps on the way in, which was very uncomfortable, and this incident was naturally even more painful.

Although she had taken the medicine, she was still trying her best to endure the pain.

I am afraid of pain, and it is even more uncomfortable now.

The uncomfortable feeling after the gastroscope was also extremely strong, she has been holding back.

"Would you like to drink water?" Shen Muhan asked.

Xia Jiu shook his head.

"Or something to eat?"

Xia Jiu still shook his head.

Shen Muhan said nothing, took a chair and sat down beside her.

Xia Jiu didn't have the energy to open his eyelashes to look at him, still closing his eyes.

She knew that it would be fine after a while, and after falling asleep, it would not hurt so much.

Just tossing and turning, can't fall asleep all the time.

There was the sound of rain outside, and Xia Jiu finally settled down a little.

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