Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3518: I found it for the first time

"Sorry, I'll go right away." Xia Jiu hurriedly took away his belongings and smiled apologetically.

The other patients entered the ward, accompanied by their family members.

Xia Jiu watched them, but there was still no news of Shen Muhan in the phone.

The message she sent was like mud like a sea, and there was no answer at all.

Sihan took her hand and asked, "So, will Dadbi come again?"

"He should be busy today and won't come again." Although Xia Jiu was disappointed, he tried his best to calm Sihan's emotions, "It's okay, there is always a chance to see him."

Sihan nodded.

Xia Jiu returned home, thinking about whether to call him directly.

This time, he finally took it.

"Hey, Shen Muhan, I am discharged from the hospital."

"Yeah." The man's voice in response was cold and low.

"I got the inspection report. There is no major problem, and it will be cured soon. Don't worry."

Shen Mu smiled coldly: "Will I be worried?"

"I called you because I was afraid that you would be worried. How is your condition now? Is your cough better? How is your health?"

Shen Muhan: "..."

Seeing his silence, Xia Jiu said, "Where are Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi?"

Shen Muhan: "..."

Sure enough, she cares about the two children most.

"Xia Jiu."

When he heard him call his name, Xia Jiu happily responded: "Well, I'm listening!"

"Little ten and little eleven have nothing to do with you, nor your children, don't be affectionate."

"Not my children? But they are about the same age as Sihan, and they listen to me so much. Whose will it be if it's not mine?"

Shen Muhan: "..."

"I have a wife, haven't I told you before?" Shen Muhan shot back indifferently.

Xia Jiu didn't believe it!

If so, why hasn't she seen it?

Xia Jiu said with a smile: "Then why do they match my name so well?"

Shen Muhan squeezed his fingers, annoyed with a bit of blunder. When he first chose the name, he subconsciously used that, but now he realized that it was a pit.

"Really? This is the first time I found out." Shen Muhan said.

"Then when can I come to see you? Take Sihan with you."

Xia Jiu's pretty and hopeful voice came from the other side, and the ending sound was a bit seductive, and Shen Muhan almost agreed.

After waking up, I forced myself to restrain.

He knew that she would not stay for too long when she returned to her side!

She never really wanted to be with herself.

At that time, they will flee again for various reasons.

If he does not hold out hope, he will not be disappointed again!

"Or, you can bring Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven to see me, I'll wait for you."

Shen Mu replied with a cold voice: "It's impossible! Don't call me again!"

"Shen Muhan!"

Shen Muhan hung up the phone, resting his palms on his chest, breathing for a while.

Xia Jiu called again, and this time, Shen Muhan hung up her call.

She called again, he mute the sound, flipped the phone over and buckled it on the table.

Shen Muhan was not answering the phone, and Xia Jiuhao was disappointed.

She thought for a while and called Chen Qi: "Assistant Chen, tell me honestly, are Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven my children?"

Chen Qi: "..."

What is this proposition?

Can you not answer the things that the young master is not allowed to say?

"Also, if Shen Muhan has a wife, you can tell me too."

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