Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3520: I don't want to stay in this world of purgatory!

However, every time he typed a few words, he would delete them one by one.

However, it was almost evening today, and Xia Jiu didn't even call, let alone send WeChat.

She usually posts at least four or five times a day, and on average, she posts one every two or three hours. Sometimes it's just a picture of a kitten or puppy.

Sometimes it's just an emoticon.

Shen Muhan kept waiting, couldn't even enter the documents, and felt the air dull several times, so he couldn't help but stretch out his tie.

Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven are playing downstairs, and they have been very good recently. Not only did they not bother him upstairs, but they also spent much less time making noise.

He got up and went downstairs, not knowing what was going on. Recently, his body has recovered extremely quickly, and the time spent in wheelchairs has been decreasing day by day.

He walked over, Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven were holding something to have a video conversation with someone.

Seeing him coming, Xiao Shi and Xiao eleven immediately hung up and looked at him vigilantly.

"What is it?" Shen Muhan asked.

Xiao eleven had his hands behind his back: "Nothing, Xiao eleven is very good."

"Let me see." Shen Muhan said.

Xiao Eleven looked at Shen Muhan, blinking her eyes. Before, Shen Muhan always wore a mask. She hadn't seen Dadbi's appearance seriously. Now Shen Muhan's appearance appeared in her sight, and she was amazed every time.

No wonder I look so good-looking, it turns out not only Mommy is good-looking, but Dad is also very handsome.

Alas, I have inherited the beauty that Mommy and Mommy share, and I'm really outstanding!

Little Eleven could hardly conceal the compromise of beauty. He stretched out his hand and swept things in front of Shen Muhan, and said, "It's the phone watch that Mommy gave us. It can be video. In this way, we can talk with Mommy every day !"

"Who told you to take her anything?"

Xiao eleven blinked: "Can't you accept your mommy's things?"

Shen Muhan: "..."

In just a few days, the two little guys began to surrender?

Xia Jiu is really deliberate!

"What did Xia Jiu say? Do you want to take you abroad?"

Xiao Shi Xiao eleven's eyes lit up: "Yes, say take us out to play, Disney amusement park or something, we like it the most!"

Shen Muhan's face suddenly sank: "Don't go!"

Xiao Eleven suddenly cried and chirped: "Why? Oh, mummy takes us there, we are willing to go!"

Xiao Shi straightened his chest: "We have freedom! You are not allowed to control us!"

"Freedom?" Shen Mu smiled coldly, and his expression became even colder, "Impossible!"

He reached out and snatched Xiao Eleven's phone watch and threw it out.

Xiao eleven jumped up angrily and hit him on the knee: "You're bad! You big bad guy! I don't like you anymore!"

Xiao Shi immediately ran outside to look for a phone watch, and Xiao Eleven ran with him.

The phone watch was not thrown out. It was in Shen Muhan's hands. When he was angry, he was really angry, but when he was unwilling, he was really unwilling.

He looked at it for a while and threw the phone watch into the trash can.

I took out my mobile phone, the mobile phone was still quiet, only the business partners sent me New Year greetings, stylized format and sentences.

Xia Jiu still didn't send anything over.

Outside the house, Xiao Eleven's cries gradually rose.

Shen Muhan hardened his heart, ignored her, turned upstairs and entered the study.

He immersed himself in the document, time passed extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it was already dark outside.

He opened the window and took a look. Xiaoshi Xiaoxi was no longer there, and he didn't know where to cry.

When he left the study, he heard laughter from the living room.

Xiaoshi Xiaoyi is downstairs, surrounded by Xia Jiu wearing a red woolen dress. Her skin is extremely white, which is especially suitable for this color. It looks festive and western, embellishing the dull winter with romantic colors.

She was taking out the lanterns and colorful balloons, giving them to Xiao Shi Xiao eleven, and a little child, standing beside her.

Shen Muhan could recognize at a glance that it was his child.

Unlike Xiao Shi Xiao eleven's yellowish hair color, that little child's hair is pure black, just like him.

The eyebrows and facial features are also like him, and the light expression is extremely similar.

That is his son.

Shen Muhan's footsteps were pinned in place, unable to move his sight.

The little child also raised his head and landed on him, staring at him, looking at him lightly.

When Xia Jiu saw Shen Muhan, his eyes narrowed with a smile: "Your dad is here!"

Xiao eleven twisted his **** and turned towards Shen Muhan: "He is not! He is a badass!"

Xiao Shi followed his **** towards him.

Only Si Han looked at him calmly.

Xia Jiu already knew what was going on, and she had persuaded the two little guys a long time ago, and they are still having a fight.

She ran upstairs.

Shen Muhan only felt that she was like a ball of fire, rushing towards him, he had no defense, Xia Jiu threw into his arms.

Xia Jiu hugged his waist and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Shen Muhan, for protecting Xiaoshi Xiaoxi at all costs. Thank you."

Shen Muhan pushed her away expressionlessly, Xia Jiu didn't mind, and said, "We are hanging lanterns and colored balls. Will you come together?"

"No, I'm very busy."

"Shen Muhan, let's be together." Xia Jiu shook his arm.

"Not interested." Shen Muhan shook her hand away and turned back to the study.

Xia Jiu ran downstairs: "Your dad is busier than he is now, there is something to do, let's hang up first."

No one gave her an escalator!

Fortunately, she was clever and brought a clothes rail that lifted and shrunk so that she could hang these things without climbing a ladder.

Xiaoshi Xiaoyi clapped happily, they had never done such an interesting thing before.

Sihan also smiled.

After finishing all this, Xia Jiu took a picture and sent him a picture, "Isn't it pretty?"

Shen Muhan didn't reply.

"It's dinner, let's go? Our family of five has never eaten together."

As a result, there was no movement in the study, and it seemed that he would not come downstairs to eat.

Xia Jiu didn't mind, and took the children to wash their hands and eat first.

Feng Ying sent food to the study: "Young Master, Miss Xia said, please have dinner on time."

Although he hates Xia Jiu very much, as long as it is good for the young master, he can completely accept it.

"Where is she?"

"I'm leaving soon."

Shen Muhan did not speak any more.

When Xia Jiu left, Xiao Eleven hugged her thigh: "Take me away, Mommy! I don't want to stay in this world of purgatory! I want to leave! Uuuuuuu!"

Shen Muhan had already left the study, and when he heard this, he closed the door angrily and entered the study.

Xia Jiu knew that it was easy for him to take away Xiaoshi Xiaoxi, but it would be difficult to gain Shen Muhan's trust in the future.

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