Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3528: Shen Muhan is your third son

When they lost their third child, Ding Qinen was heartbroken and depressed.

Shen Fengshan had no choice but to find Shen Jingyu outside and pretending to be the child to soothe Ding Qinen's pain.

It was at that time that Shen Muhan was still in Shen Sihai's wolf house, experiencing the pain of his childhood.

Later, following Shen Sihai's return, he targeted the Shen family everywhere, and finally discovered his true identity.

However, Shen Muhan always felt that there was no need to mention it.

What does it do?

Didn't he live like this when he didn't recognize his parents and grandmother before?

When Shen Fengshan saw his expression, he understood his thoughts.

This family is not important to him, so he doesn't bother to mention it at all.

This made Shen Fengshan even more regretful and distressed. He owed too much to this son.

Therefore, it is not important to ask him when he knew the truth.

"Then you have a good rest, I'll go to your brother's side to have a look." Shen Fengshan said.

Shen Muhan nodded, his expression cold.

Shen Fengshan came out, Xia Jiu was still outside, she thought for a while and said, "So, Shen Muhan is your third son?"

"Yes." Shen Fengshan did not deny it.

He also knew that Xia Jiu was disdainful of eavesdropping, but since he said that just now, based on Xia Jiu's understanding of Shen Muhan, it was certain to infer this matter.

The children are all ice and smart, but their older generations are still kept in the dark.

Xia Jiu said nothing, watching Shen Fengshan go away.

Shen Ye had already woken up, and Xia Lin was accompanying him, and the old lady Shen and Ding Qin'en also wittily gave them the space.

Ding Qinen happily said: "Ye'er is already awake, the doctor said, he only needs to rest for a few days and he will be fine. Is Mu Han okay?"

"He's okay," Shen Fengshan said, "I also notified Jingyu, so that he doesn't need to bother to find blood."

"Well, that's good." Ding Qinen nodded, "I'll go over and see Mu Han in a while."

"Qin En." Shen Fengshan called her name and took her hand. "You know, Mu Han is our third son."

Ding Qinen saw that he was serious and listened to him long ago. When he heard this, he couldn't help but froze, and then said: "No wonder, no wonder..."

She burst into tears.

No wonder she always felt close to Shen Muhan in the early days. Although many people scolded him, she was reluctant to say anything about him.

It's no wonder that she can't help but want to care about that child. She originally thought it was because of family affection, but now she knows that it is her own son.

No wonder...

Shen Fengshan said: "I'm really stupid. I guessed it only now, and I told you not to get too close to him. I didn't know until now that he was his son."

"Does Mu Han know?" Ding Qinen asked.

"He knew it many years ago." Shen Fengshan inferred, "It's just that you know that his temperament is indifferent to everything, so he didn't propose to recognize us at all. On the contrary, he bears all this."

Ding Qinen cried harder: "It's no wonder he helped Jingyu at that time and didn't move the Shen family! He knew it so early! My son!"

The old lady Shen also felt so much, it was hard to imagine how much Shen Muhan had undertaken.

Shen Fengshan patted Ding Qinen's hand: "Don't cry, you have been concerned about him in the past few years, and Xia Jiu and a few children are also good, and you are not worthy of your heart as an elder."

Although knowing this is very comforting, Ding Qinen has been unable to escape the guilt.

However, when she went to Shen Muhan's ward, she discovered that Shen Muhan had already left.

She had a sore nose, knowing that he didn't want to see herself, and she didn't know how to get along with the family, tears couldn't help but fall.

"Is he really my elder brother?" Shen Ye was surprised when he knew it, "It's a coincidence that I was smashed and smashed into a big brother!"

He is an optimist. He just recovered from his injury, so he sat up and chatted with joy.

"I just didn't expect that my brother-in-law has become a big brother. No, it's my cousin who has become a relative." Shen Ye said.

Ding Qinen cut the fruit for him and said, "But after he donated blood to you, he left soon. Even I didn't find a chance to say thank you."

"If you say thank you, it would be strange to say thank you. And he definitely wanted to help Xia Jiucai donate blood to me." Shen Ye said sharply.

"You are his own brother, he must not bear to see you in an accident." Ding Qinen said.

"Well, no. It's because I saved Xia Jiu. He didn't want to see Xia Jiu regret or hate her, so he came to help me. He did it for Xia Jiu, not me. Of course, no. For me, I also accept his love." Shen Ye said.

Xia Jiu was pushing the door in, and she was slightly taken aback when she heard Shen Ye's remarks.

Whenever he thinks about it, Shen Ye thinks too much. Now, where does Shen Muhan still have such thoughts and feelings for himself?

He helped Shen Ye because of Shen Ye himself.

"Auntie, Shen Ye." Xia Jiu walked in.

Ding Qinen's enthusiasm for Xia Jiu now welcomes her in.

Xia Jiu put the fruits and soup on the table and said: "Today the police have given the results of the investigation, saying that the accident itself was an accident and there is nothing inside. I also want to thank Shen Ye for his help. Up."

"What are you talking about? I don't want to be sad for Charlene either."

Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled: "Then I hope you get better soon, lest Xia Lin worry."

"I'll eat more, it's natural to get better soon," Shen Ye said.


Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen went to Qiandao Lake Villa.

However, it was a pity that he did not see Shen Muhan and was blocked by someone at the door.

Shen Muhan didn't even explain a word.

After getting into the car with Shen Fengshan, Ding Qinen felt sad and sad.

"Well, as long as Mu Han is well, it doesn't matter if he doesn't see us." Shen Fengshan comforted.

But as a mother, Ding Qinen wanted more than just a sentence of peace for her son.

Shen Fengshan saw her frustrated, and accompanied her to the Xia's house.

The three children are very familiar with Ding Qinen, and as soon as they saw her little eleven they rushed over: "Grandma!"

Ding Qinen hugged her, not loving enough no matter what.

Sihan asked sensibly, "Is Uncle getting better now?"

"He's better, he will be discharged soon."

"That's good." Sihan nodded, "I will visit him again when that time comes."

Because the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen both felt sorry for them, and felt that they were too young to let them visit the hospital, but Si Han remembered this in his heart.

"Good, good." Ding Qinen nodded.

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