Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3533: The shackles of feelings

To find out Xia Jiu's whereabouts is actually not difficult.

Soon, he found out that Xia Jiu had gone to France.

Shen Muhan followed to France.

It was only when he arrived at the hotel where Xia Jiu was that he received the news that Chen Qixin had investigated that Xia Jiu had gone to Germany.

He followed to Germany without hesitation.

On the way, he took out his mobile phone and looked at the WeChat sent by Xia Jiu, the words eagerly, as if she had put the words in her ears and said in person.

However, she never sent it again, and the content he sent her became an exclamation mark.

The phone cannot be reached either.


After Xia Jiu settled the matter in France, he went to Germany.

Xia's company has done a very good job in developing these two countries in the past two years.

Xia Jiu's design and Qin Zheng's fabrics are indispensable for winning the world in European countries that are famous for fashion.

She took out her phone and flipped through the itinerary.

After turning to Shen Muhan's account on WeChat, he stayed for a while.

After learning from the hospital that his condition had recovered, Xia Jiu completely blocked him.

She was afraid that she couldn't help but would call him again, or send some untimely WeChat messages.

He is now a married man, and it is no longer possible for Xia Jiu to talk to him.

She lowered her eyes and looked out the window after a moment.

The settlement in Germany went smoothly.

Thanks to her many years of living in France, she has had a lot of cooperation with designers from Germany. French and German have some similarities. She successfully captured the spoken German, so when dealing with problems, Give her extra points.

She had only contacted three children these days when she was out. She didn't ask anything about Shen Muhan, nor did Sihan say it sensibly.

However, Xiaoshi and Xiaoxi have already found a lot of new "boyfriends" for her.

Xia Jiu pursed his lips and smiled. There are these three little guys in life, which is really fulfilling.

With work, it is simply enough for her.

Other things seem to be less important.


When Shen Muhan arrived in Germany, Xia Jiu had already gone to the airport.

He had to return to the airport.

Xia Jiu's next voyage is to Singapore.

He also bought a ticket to Singapore.

Before boarding the plane, Sihan called.

Although the boarding time was imminent, Shen Muhan picked it up patiently.

"Papa, are you in Germany?"

"Well, something?"

Sihan thought for a while and said, "Are you going to find Mommy?"


"I want to know, do you plan to get married in the future?" Si Han asked, looking like a little adult.

"As long as she is willing." Shen Muhan said this, relieved.

It seems that I have been pressing things in my heart for a few days. Now I have found the answer and have a goal.

After waking up from a coma, his feelings for Xia Jiu had been fluctuating back and forth, even after she came back, he was more confused than firm, and his fear of disappointment made him hesitate to move forward.

After saying this, he knew that he was still the same as before, no matter what the conditions, he just wanted to keep Xia Jiu by his side.

He didn't know whether it was because of strong possessiveness or love and hate. He only knew that life without her would be incomplete and unhappy.

Sihan on the other end of the phone let out a slight laugh: "Well then, I wish you success."

When a little guy said this, Shen Muhan's back straightened, a little embarrassed.

Just about to hang up the phone and board the plane, Sihan's voice rang softly from there: "Mommy has a stomach problem. I just returned the ticket to Singapore and stayed in the German hospital. But don't worry, it shouldn't be serious. I will send you the location."

Shen Muhan heard his son's voice, his fingers tightened slightly, and the corners of his lips raised: "Okay."

Xia Jiu didn't even know that he had been sold by his son, and was chatting with Xiao Shi Xiao eleven one after another.

All hospitals here need to make an appointment, and they need to wait for an appointment. Xia Jiu has been cured for two hours, and it is not his turn yet.

She sat on the sofa, looking at the place where the number was called from time to time, waiting for herself to be called.

Seeing Shen Muhan coming in from outside the door, she stood up subconsciously.

Every time she didn't see him, she felt that in her life, it didn't matter if she didn't have him. As long as there were three treasures, her life would be full of hope, and the thoughts of hurting the spring and the autumn would soon pass away.

But every time she saw him, she knew that she really couldn't escape the shackles of feelings.

She can't forget him, and she doesn't want to leave him, life is completely different without him.

However, seeing him coming, Xia Jiu quickly stood up, found a secluded place, and hid it.

If you don’t see, you won’t have any thoughts, and if you don’t see you will not have meaningless thoughts.

She was not shameless and selfish enough to fight for the happiness of another woman.

She saw Shen Muhan walking around the field, as if looking for something, when she saw him and the nurse whispering inquiries.

Xia Jiu lowered his eyes when he saw the back of him going out.

I don't know what he is here, but not seeing each other is the greatest respect for each other.

Finally it was Xia Jiu's turn.

The doctor prescribed medicine for her and an infusion. Her stomach inflammation was a little serious, and it seemed that she could only leave Germany tomorrow.

During the infusion, it was a little boring and it was inconvenient to type with one hand. Xia Jiu stopped chatting with a few children and closed his eyes.

After a while, she fell asleep.

She has been busy these days, she is indeed too tired, and she is not resting well at night.

When Shen Muhan turned back, he saw Xia Jiu curled up on the sofa, shrinking into a small figure.

She slept very deeply, only the hand of the infusion remained a stiff posture, stretched out on the armrest, the liquid was quietly entering her skin.

She closed her red lips and eyes, her slightly pale face, full of stubborn expressions.

Thinking that she was hiding from him just now, Shen Muhan couldn't help being a little angry and a little funny, but even more distressed.

The matter of his choice of "fake marriage" is indeed too much to consider her feelings.

After he learned to empathize, he thought about Gu Yannan's affairs, and thought of how he felt when Xia Jiu married him, and it is not difficult to understand Xia Jiu's mood when he saw his fake marriage.

Shen Muhan looked down at her and squatted halfway in front of her, stroking some messy hair for her.

She moved anxiously, but did not wake up. Shen Muhan chuckled lightly, took her hand, and sat down beside her.

When Xia Jiu woke up, she hurriedly sat up. She knew that she might fall asleep, so she adjusted an alarm clock to remind herself of the time when the liquid medicine was about to be infused.

But I haven't heard the alarm clock, and I feel like I have been asleep for a long time.

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