Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3538: This is a Yan dog

"Mummy, who is he? Look good!" She blinked.

Xia Jiu knew that this was a face dog, except that the face value could conquer her, everything else was nothingness.

"He and Brother Sihan look alike too!" Xiao eleven blinked again.

"Because he is compared to your dad! Is it weird that Brother Sihan looks like him?" Xia Jiu said amusedly.

Xiao eleven finally recognized him as Shen Muhan. She was very angry with him before, and hadn't seen him face-to-face for a long time. She squatted and said, "Then you can be our dad, can you not be aggressive with us? ?"

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to her and made a gesture to hug her.

Xiao Eleven thought for a while, Yan Kong defeated the unhappiness before and let him hug him.

"I won't be fierce in the future," Shen Muhan said softly, "However, I can't choose Mommy to compare my dad, do you know?"

Xiao eleven's milky milky voice: "Only a man with such a high value like you can be my dad!"

Shen Muhan burst into laughter, and only now discovered that raising children is also not fun.

Although he is not good at it, and he does not like children too much, but he can try hard, just like Xia Jiu trying hard to be by his side.

This is the child of him and Xia Jiu, with the genes of both of them. Based on this alone, he must overcome many difficulties and work hard to do well.

"Well, this weekend, I'm going to take them to the Shen family mansion to visit the elders." Xia Jiu said softly, "If you are busy, please take care of you first and leave us alone."

In fact, it's not that he is afraid of being busy, but that he is uncomfortable.

He has known his identity for so many years, and he refuses to go to Shen's family to admit his relatives, just because he has no idea about family relationships and dislikes trouble.

Since Xia Jiu wants to be with him for a long time, she will definitely learn to respect his opinions and feelings.

Think about it, forcing him to accept the things he doesn't like, is it the same cruelty as he forced her to give up the things she likes?

Although he had accompanied Xia Jiu to go there before, but at that time, he hadn't indicated his background.

After being known of his life experience, he was reluctant to go.

Shen Muhan nodded: "I have an appointment for a conference call, you can go."

Xia Jiu nodded: "Then you will be busy then, we will be back after a long time."

During the weekend, he was really busy.

Xia Jiu brought three little buns and waved goodbye to him.

Shen Muhan's heart is tied to Xia Jiu, but in fact, he has no intention of participating in the conference call.

After working hard for a while, I finally focused on my work.

The Shen family mansion.

Shen Muhan did not come, and the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen were indeed disappointed. They had been looking forward to it for so long, hoping that he could come back as the son of Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen.

But disappointed, disappointed, the laughter of the three little buns quickly broke the unpleasant emotions, Xiao Shi clamored to go to the backyard to play, Xiao eleven wanted to eat Ding Qinen’s iced bayberry. After a while, everyone had their own tasks and there was no time to be unpleasant.

Xia Jiu took a lot of photos, and after thinking about it, he only sent it to Moments, but did not send it to Shen Muhan separately to disturb him.

After having dinner early in the evening, Xia Jiu was about to leave with the children.

Ding Qinen's dining box packed a variety of foods and said, "These are specially made according to Mu Han's taste. You can bring them back and give him a taste."

"Well, good." Xia Jiu nodded, "He will like it."

Ding Qinen couldn't help crying: "Xia Jiu, thank you for being able to accompany him to take care of him. Let him not be alone."

As a mother, she really couldn't imagine what kind of life Shen Muhan would lead without Xia Jiu.

He is not close to his family and has no other feelings. He is emotionally like an isolated island. Whenever he thinks of this, Ding Qinen can't help but feel uncomfortable.

Xia Jiu smiled and said: "Actually, I am also very lucky to have him with me. Mom, don't worry, he is fine now, and he will definitely be better in the future."

Back at home, she carried the lunch box into the room, he was still looking at the documents, and he hadn't even cared about dinner.

"Shen Muhan." Xia Jiu walked over behind him, stretched out his hand to pinch his shoulder, "have dinner."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten them all. Mom left you some food. Do you want to eat what she made, or let the kitchen prepare it again?"

Shen Muhan caught a glimpse of the expectation in her eyes, and said: "It's too much trouble to prepare again. I will just eat a little bit."

When he arrived at the table, he found out where the generals were. Ding Qinen brought him seven or eight dishes, all of which were his favorite flavors, and he wished to make up for what he lacked.

Xia Jiu served him rice and vegetables, and stuffed him: "Well, eat more."

Shen Muhan took a big bite, and saw that she was holding her cheek to look at herself, picking what she liked to eat, and delivering it to her.

"I'm full." Xia Jiujiao groaned, but still opened her mouth obediently.

A meal becomes a meal for two people.

When sleeping at night, Shen Muhan hugged Xia Jiu from behind: "Next weekend, I will go with you."

"Really?" Xia Jiu turned around with a smile, and met his gaze, "I won't be so busy next weekend, huh?"

Shen Muhan smiled: "Well, no matter what the weekend is, I can be free. I don't want to see that in my wife's lens, there are all other people, without me."

Xia Jiu knew that he had seen the Moments he posted today.

He has softness and is willing to let this softness expand.

"Husband, you are so kind." Xia Jiu murmured.

Shen Muhan kissed the hair on top of her head and stuffed her under him.

Xia Jiu slept until dawn, and even dreams were beautiful.

After yawning softly, she sat up.

There was laughter coming from outside the window. She walked over wrapped in a thin quilt and saw Shen Muhan playing with the three little guys.

His face occasionally has the helplessness that can't handle them, but the smile on the bottom of his eyes is also very radiant, and those are all brought to him by the innocence of the children.

Xia Jiu watched this scene, and his heart was filled.

After she washed up, she received a call from Qin Zheng.

"I heard that you are married? Jiang Bai is very worried, but she is getting heavier in the month, and I didn't let her come out to look for you."

"All the children did it by themselves." Xia Jiu was embarrassed, "Nothing."

"I heard that you and Shen Muhan are reconciled?"

"Hmm. Have you heard the truth about his previous marriage?"

Qin Zheng laughed: "Almost all knows. Fortunately, it's him. I'm really afraid that you will be abducted by other men."

"Where's the matter? I'm not that easy to kidnap, right." Xia Jiu treated him as his elder brother, and in front of him, he was not so restrained.

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