Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3544: A successful wedding

"Huh? Congratulations!"

"Good man rewarded!"

"Both of them have such high looks, I don't know how beautiful their children are!"

"Yeah, it's really enviable!"

Everyone's tone changes with each other, not as mean as before.

At this moment, a figure appeared at the door.

The man coming from outside, wearing a haute couture suit, has a long and sturdy figure, outstanding features, handsome eyebrows and cold and compelling eyes, and walked inside with a breath that makes people dare not get close.

Only the rose accompanied by his hand gave him a little softness.

Everyone can't help but separate a channel for him.

He came out more and more, coming straight in the direction of Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu looked at Shen Muhan as if a **** descended, and there was nothing else in his eyes, only him and the stars twinkling, lighting up the bottom of her eyes.

Shen Muhan walked towards her, knelt down on one knee, with a serious and pious tone: "Xia Jiu, marry me!"

Suddenly, the surroundings became quiet, and his eyes fell on Shen Muhan, who was taking it easy, and on Xia Jiu, who was astonishing and unparalleled.

Xia Jiu reached out to take his rose flower, smiled and nodded at him, her voice cheerful and soft: "Okay!"

Shen Muhan stood up and hugged her into his arms.

Fang Minghao was so embarrassed that his scalp was numb. He was too self-righteous and instantly became a laughingstock. He sneaked away while everyone was laughing and applauding to bless Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu.

Chen Xin also hurriedly wanted to slip away.

But Feng Ying grabbed him: "Why, you want to leave after slandering people? It's not that easy, right?"

"What do you want?"

"What do you think?" Feng Ying clamped him down.

"Don't you want to lynch me!"

Fengying disdain to do that.

However, the young master also said that those cruel methods cannot be used now, and it is best to hand it over to the police.

But if it is handed over to the police, can Chen Xin escape what he should bear?

Naturally impossible!

Feng Ying will do a little bit of tricks, so that he and those people who have been rumored by him and who have been involved in wives and distractions will be locked up in one place. At that time, how those people will deal with him will not be controlled by Feng Ying. Of it.

Xia Jiu was taken back to the car by Shen Muhan, and the whole person was still as unreal as if stepping on the clouds.

"Shen Muhan, am I really going to marry you?"

"Well, it's true."

"Then when will we get married?" Xia Jiu was full of expectation, her eyes bright.

"It's already being prepared, and it will be done soon."

Xia Jiu pursed his lips and smiled: "Do you really want to marry me?"

"I want to marry." Shen Muhan whispered, his eyes gentle, "It's just that some people didn't dare to leave before, afraid that you were not there."

Xia Jiu knew that he had been hurt by the last wedding that was almost successful but was ruined. In this matter, he would also be vulnerable and worried.

Only she can see and understand his things.

And she will try to resolve it. Xia Jiu grabbed his hand and placed it on her face: "I will never leave you again!"

"Well, can you say it again?" Shen Muhan's voice was low, his fingers stretched out, and he rubbed her face.

"I said, I will never leave you again!" Xia Jiu shouted out of the car window, "I will never leave Shen Muhan again!"

The sound of the wind carried her voice, spreading far away, and then scattered in all directions.

"I will never leave Shen Muhan again." Xia Jiu reiterated, the sparkle in his eyes getting more and more dazzling.

She threw herself into his arms and whispered in his ear with a breath of air: "Shen Muhan, I will never leave you again."

"Yeah." Shen Muhan's hoarse voice and an extremely cherished soft kiss responded to her.


By the beach.

On the island surrounded by palm trees.

The waves hit the coast, and white seagulls flew into the blue sky.

The wedding of Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu was held on this island today.

After preparing for the wedding for several months, it finally arrived in Xia Jiu's expectation.

All people from the Shen family were present.

Jiang Bai took his parents and appeared holding the baby.

Fiona has also come here. Although she is reluctant about Akins’s affairs, she has no reason to blame Xia Jiu. What Xia Jiu lost was the parents who had loved her for 20 years, and Fiona could understand her. practice.

And some other relatives and friends also appeared at the wedding scene.

The father or elder brother should have given the bride's hand to the groom.

In view of Xia Jiu's situation, Qin Zheng and Qin Uncle Qin accompanied her on the stage today.

She wore a wedding dress of her own design, with white gauze on her head, and her long hair like waterfall was rolled into a fancy bun, beautiful and elegant.

Si Han and Xiao Shi Xiao 11 held small flower baskets and followed Xia Jiu with joy.

They can personally participate in the wedding of Mom and Dad!

Many children do not receive such treatment!

So happy!

Papa also asked them to keep the ring they were going to exchange. The three little ones who were also very excited and nervous, vowed to complete the task successfully today!

"The bridegroom is here!" someone shouted.

Xia Jiu quickly looked into the distance, only to see the extremely handsome Shen Muhan, holding a bouquet, walking from a far place, standing on the stage.

Xia Jiu immediately took Uncle Qin's arm and walked towards Xia Jiu, accompanied by Qin Zheng.

The sea breeze was blowing gently, and the early summer sunshine was just right. Shen Muhan looked at the girl below the stage, and on his cold face, there was a rare softness.

When did you like her?

Maybe when I first met, I fell in love with her, love her smile, love her rejection, love her anger, and love her crying.

It's just that at the beginning, he didn't understand his feelings, and he didn't know how to love or leave someone behind.

He thought that to love her was to give her a check, so that she could make her happy by asking her to spend whatever she wanted.

He naively thought that if she was pregnant with a child, she would not leave.

Only later did he realize that he was wrong. Love is a very complicated and delicate matter, and it is not so easy to love and be loved.

There are many things he wants to learn.

But later he also knew that love is such a simple thing, as long as she is there and a smile is enough to satisfy him.

She has brought him a lot, and loves him a lot.

And he also left all his tenderness to her alone.

He watched Xia Jiu come and walked into his eyes with the light all over his body.

The emcee asked with a smile: "Xia Jiu, would you like Shen Muhan to become your husband and enter into a marriage contract with him? Love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and be loyal to him regardless of illness or health, or any other reason. Until the end of life?"

Xia Jiu pursed his lips and looked at Shen Muhan, with stars in his eyes: "I am very, very, very, very willing! I am willing to marry Shen Muhan and join him to the end of the world and life!"

Everyone laughed kindly.

The emcee turned his head and asked Shen Muhan. Before he could speak, Shen Muhan said seriously and piously: "I am also very, very, very, very willing! I am willing to marry Xia Jiu as his wife, and with her, to the end of the world and life!"

The audience laughed more enthusiastically.

The three little ones presented the ring, looking at Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu proudly with a happy face.

The two took the ring and put on each other.

Shen Muhan hugged Xia Jiu and buried his head in her shoulder.

Xia Jiu, my world was once all dark, and your appearance illuminates my life.

[End of Shen Muhan vs Xia Jiu]

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