Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3550: Extra Sinking Heian (6)

He also noticed that the temporary overtime today was filled with a certain aura of women vying for each other.

Xu Meiyi convened an ad hoc meeting and asked the group leader Li to undertake more tasks afterwards.

Moreover, after reading He Yixia’s previous translation materials, she expressed her optimism about He Yixia and specifically proposed to give He Yixia more tasks.

Translation work has a basic salary and a commission.

You can earn more if you do more.

So she arranged in this way, and no one expressed any objection.

But He Yixia has not yet become a regular employee, and the commission is much less than that of regular employees. Such an arrangement is actually fair to He Yixia.

As a human spirit like Team Leader Li, and as He Yixia's direct boss, how can I not see the way?

He Yixia didn't know the inner story behind this, but she still felt the suddenness of this temporary overtime tonight.

But there was really no confrontation between her and Xu Meiyi.

Therefore, she immediately shook her head: "No."

"No? That's good." Team Leader Li saw that she was reluctant to say, and he couldn't ask more about personal matters in this regard, "Then I will take you home?"

"No need for Team Leader Li, we didn't go along the way. I have already called for an online ride." He Yixia smiled and declined.

"That's OK, you keep the ticket, and you will be reimbursed at that time."

After Team Leader Li left, He Yixia took a taxi and hurried towards home.

When I got home, it was dark, my mother was hospitalized, and my father must be with him in the hospital.

He Yixia was originally going to accompany her, but her father did not agree.

In a small house, it looks very spacious and empty at the moment.

After being busy all day, things with Fang Yunqian gradually came to mind.

The Fang family lives in this community, and He Yixia and Fang Yunqian can be regarded as having grown up together since childhood.

Things that didn't understand affection when I was young, I played together like buddies.

Slowly being picked out of this matter was when I was in high school.

He Yixia ran to find Fang Yunqian to do their homework together, and the others joked to them: "Oh, Yunqian and Yixia are in such a good relationship, why don't you make a baby kiss?"

Fang's father and mother were also happy to see the result, hahadily agreed.

When He Yixia heard these words for the first time, she turned around and ran home.

Later, I heard a lot, and I started to bump into the deer in my heart.

There is no open mouth. When entering the university, Fang Yunqian took He Yixia’s volunteer letter and filled out a copy. After the two were admitted to the same university, emotional matters would naturally follow the flow. Up.

The two live in the old community, and all of them are familiar faces.

Everyone often teased them that they were going to get married after graduation.

At that time, He Yixia didn't hear such words and ran away like before, very calm.

Because she believes that this fact will not change.

Just like so many years, she and Fang Yunqian walked step by step, and everything just went with the flow.

The change occurred in the junior year.

Fang Yunqian gradually stopped coming home from school with her, and didn't always contact her as before.

At that time, He Yixia just thought that he was busy going for an internship and didn't have time to keep in touch as before.

Everyone is a child of ordinary people. The job of graduation and finding a job is the top priority for everyone in life.

She never worried, nor thought about it too much.

Until the beginning of the senior year, she saw Fang Yunqian stepping down from a luxury car at the school gate, still with lipstick marks on her face.

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