Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3557: Extra Sinking Heian (13)

"That person is also surnamed Shen." Li Xueying turned her head slowly and asked word by word, "Couldn't you be... the person who sent the letter to Master Shen, no, Minister Shen?"

"Didn't you send the letter to the most handsome Shao Shen?" He Yixia also found that something was wrong.

"So you really intend to give it to him? Are you really giving it in front of him?" When Li Xueying looked at He Yixia, she looked like a dead person.

The kind of people who have died socially.

He Yixia had a question mark on her face.

Wait, Minister Shen? Li Xueying called that Minister Shen?

Li Xueying caresss her forehead, "That handsome is really handsome! But how can I go after that one without my own strength! Do you know who it is? The current Minister of Foreign Affairs! The youngest Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dragon Empire! And yes! The son of the current president! Shen Yuan, who famously hates women who take the initiative to strike up a conversation! I will write to him if I die! He Yixia, are you not watching the news?"

He Yixia also realized that she might be over.

Before the recruitment examination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she went to talk to the Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...

No wonder that the staff member standing next to Shen Yuan also looked at him with a look of death.

She reads the news, and her parents watch it every night during dinner.

It's just that... She just swept away, she had never seen that one at all!

Sometimes things are just such a coincidence. She knows a lot of big names in the news, so she just missed this one.

More coincidentally... he was also named Shen, and he was the most handsome on the spot.

"Xueying, you said I will explain now, is it too late?" He Yixia asked.

"I don't know either." Li Xueying looked terrified. Did she harm her best friend?

Seeing Shen Yu'an getting closer, He Yixia subconsciously walked towards him.

Against his cold aura and alienated attitude, she bit her head and walked forward.

"Minister Shen!" He Yixia just wanted to explain that she didn't mean that today.

Of course, she didn't mean that in the first place.

Shen Yuan's footsteps stopped, and he glanced in her direction slightly. Seeing her for the third time made him feel unhappy.

"Minister Shen!" Ignoring his displeasure, He Yixia ran closer instead.

Shen Yu'an didn't look at her direction anymore, just raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and then strode towards his car. After a while, the luxury car had disappeared in front of him.

Li Xueying ran over, opened her mouth, and said for a long time: "Sorry Yixia, I really didn't expect it to be like this."

He Yixia suddenly remembered the last blind date, and she asked: "Xueying, you said, with conditions like me, will people around me introduce me to a blind date like Shen Yuan?"

"It must be inevitable based on your looks and figure! Look at your face, you can use makeup without makeup! It must be more than enough to match Shen Yuan!" Li Xueying opened her mouth and was a rainbow fart.

She herself has a round face and a little fat, not to mention the envy of He Yixia's melon face and particularly curvy figure.

He Yixia patted her face to wake her from her drunkenness: "I mean, is there anyone around me who can connect with Shen Yu'an and introduce him to me?"

"If you like him, I will try my best to see if I hope to introduce him to you! As for the other people around you..."

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