Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3574: Extra Sinking Heian (30)

With this small episode, it did not affect Cao Tezhu and He Yixia to sort out the information quickly.

Shen Yuan hung up the phone and walked out, turned around and glanced at the information. He did not even see He Yixia, but she was inexplicably nervous.

He Yixia lowered her head, avoiding eye contact with him.

There is always no problem, right?

"Minister, all the required documents are here." Cao Te reported in the remittance report, "Miss He can take it away after signing the letter."

He glanced at He Yixia, who was still bowing his head.

Cao Te gave a voice of help. Sure enough, she still liked Minister, and she was too ashamed to look up when she saw the Minister.

"Yeah." Shen Yu'an finished reading and said that there was no problem.

"Miss He, you can sign." Cao Special Assistant reminded.

He Yixia raised her head and sat down aside.

Someone handed a pen over, and she reached out to take it. Instinctive education made her look up at the other person and say, "Thank you."

Originally thought it was a pen handed by Cao Te's help.

As a result, when she looked up, she found that it was actually a pen handed by Shen Yu'an.

When she couldn't reach the defense, she touched Shen Yu'an's sight.

It is not untouched at work, she has no psychological barriers every time.

But in private, she has been deliberately avoiding it.

Such a sudden touch made her panic.

Obviously, Shen Yuan's eyes were peaceful and there was not much emotion. He Yixia, who was not mentally prepared, was still taken aback.

Although she wouldn't be able to remove the pen, she almost poked her hand when she unscrewed the pen.

She picked up the pen and was about to sign her name.

Shen Yuan spoke unhurriedly: "Miss He, you signed the wrong one."

He Yixia only discovered that she almost signed in to the position that belonged to Shen Yu'an.

It was not the first time that she signed, she almost made a mistake, she felt outrageous.

Shen Yu'an's well-knotted fingers landed on Party B's position to remind her.

He Yixia didn't dare to look at his fingers, and hurriedly signed her name.

He Yixia signed the non-disclosure agreement with the pen, looked at it and it was no problem, and returned the pen to Cao Special Assistant.

"It's okay, Miss He." Cao Special Assistant said after checking.

"Then I'll go first." He Yixia turned around likewise to escape.

She left with the file in her arms.

The slender figure disappeared quickly.

She eased her embarrassment when she got outside the hotel.

She had tried her best to avoid embarrassment, but she made herself even more embarrassed.

Isn't it Shen Yu'an? Isn't it just being blinded by him?

If I knew this, it would be better to treat him generously early in the morning!

It's a pity that the past can't be repeated, otherwise she would have to carry herself in the suite just now, look at him generously, and then sign the name calmly.

Cao Te's help saw He Yixia leave and hurriedly gathered up all the remaining information.

Cao Tezhu was relieved to see that Shen Yuan's expression was not solemn, but this girl who fell in love was really true. With a pen from her sweetheart, she was so nervous that she didn't know where to write it. It was also magical.

Shen Yuan retrieved his pen from Cao Te's assistant, and left it on his finger to play with it. After a long time, he didn't say anything.


That night, Cao Te helped rush to Shen Yu'an's suite.

"Minister, this is the result of the investigation of Song Encheng's incident." Cao Tezhu handed over the information, and he was not surprised by the results of the above investigation.

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