Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3580: Extra Sinking Heian (36)

"Yixia, I miss you very much." Fang Yunqian's voice came in a low voice, full of tenderness.

It seemed that what happened in the middle was just a nightmare, and it didn't happen in reality.

Footsteps came from behind He Yixia. She looked back and really saw Fang Yunqian walking towards her.

He put down the phone and walked along, with a pious expression.

He Yixia also put away the phone and held it in her palm.

Fang Yunqian briefly explained: "I also heard my mother mention that you work here. Then a friend in the same industry happened to know you, so I asked and knew that you live here. Yixia, don't be afraid."

He Yixia got it.

There are no secrets in the community where their parents live. It is not surprising that Fang Yunqian knows that he is here.

"Is there anything to do with me?" He Yixia's attitude was very peaceful, and she was in business.

"Yixia, I'm actually very..."

Seeing his kind money, He Yixia interrupted him without hesitation: "If there is nothing to do, it's getting late, and I have to go back first."

Fang Yunqian was anxious and took her arm: "Yixia, listen to me. I and Xu Meiyi are indeed married, but I still have you in my heart. You wait for me, wait for me for three years, three years later, I I can give you everything, marriage, money, love, and a good life..."

He Yixia couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

This may be the funniest joke she has ever heard.

What does he consider her?

What do you think of him again?

"Yixia! You also know that my research and inventions require someone to invest. Once they succeed, all my hard work will not be wasted. Before that, it was because of my mediocre background that several inventions were taken as my own. I have no choice but to choose this path."

Fang Yunqian's voice was sincere and somewhat humble.

If it were not for dreams, he would not betray the feelings of the two.

"Fang Yunqian, no matter how many difficulties you have, it is your own business. I admit that I hated you, but it's all gone now. Don't let me despise you."

"Yixia, it's because I have tried too many times my own family limitations brought about the restrictions of the career, I know how difficult it is for a family like ours to stand on the same starting line with others. I don't want to have my own life in the future. The child is like me, so I..."

"That's why you chose the shortcut? That's why you can't bear the excitement of a simple and plain life, right? Fang Yunqian, you have chosen the life you want, and I hope you will be responsible for your choice. And for your wife. Responsible." He Yixia threw away his hand.

Fang Yunqian squeezed his fingers tightly, trembling at the trouser legs: "He Yixia...I know, you still like me. Give me a chance and give me some time, and I will prove it to you."

He Yixia looked at him at this moment as if he was looking at a stranger.

She really looked at him wrong for so many years.

How could there be such a person? It is not ashamed to be ashamed to hide those various calculations in the high-sounding words, but to be proud of it.

"I don't like you anymore." He Yixia stated her point of view very seriously.

Fang Yunqian didn't believe it: "How is it possible? Our relationship for so many years, I still love you so passionately, thinking of you every night of tossing and turning..."

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