Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3603: Extra Sinking Heian (59)

But... I thought about it again, if he really cares about his subordinates and solves their worries for each subordinate, then this is a routine operation, and it has nothing to do with being careful.

Thinking of this, He Yixia seemed to feel a little bit bottomed in her heart.

Today, because she had to prepare the materials for going to work, she stayed at home to tidy up.

In the evening, I went to visit my mother and rushed home.

When I walked into the community, I saw someone setting up tables and chairs in the yard of the community. It looked like someone was hosting a meal.

This has always been the case in the community. Everyone will come forward to help if someone has something to do, and everyone will get together for dinner.

He Yixia is busy during this time, and she doesn't know who is doing what in the community.

But the grandmother Wang next door greeted her when she saw her, "Yixia, I thought you were not coming. Come on, we all have dinner together tonight."

"What's the matter, Granny Wang?"

Since it is the people in the community eating, He Yixia is naturally not easy to push back, maybe he has to prepare a red envelope or something.

"You don't know yet, my grandson is recommended to college, everyone is invited to dinner together! You said that Yunqian is really capable, and he started his own company at a young age, so studying is useful. Grandma feels happy for you too. By the way, you said Yunqian and you both graduated, when will you get married?"

Granny Wang just said a few words and turned the topic to Fang Yunqian and He Yixia.

He Yixia suddenly felt a little embarrassed when she heard this.

She and Fang Yunqian broke up, in fact, many people know about it.

But nothing has been said with much fanfare.

The He family didn't even mention who was right and who was wrong.

He Yixia was about to perfuse a few words. As there was no such thing, Fang's mother came over and said with a smile, "Yixia."

"Auntie." He Yixia had to say hello.

Several other uncles and aunts also came over.

Now it is inconvenient for He Yixia to want to go.

Aunt Wang's daughter-in-law, whose surname is Zhang, is a quick-spoken aunt.

Seeing Grandma Wang pulling He Yixia to ask about her and Fang Yunqian, she hurriedly pulled Grandma Wang aside and said to He Yixia: "Yixia, don't mind, your Grandma Wang is old and always forgets things. "

"It's okay." He Yixia knew that Granny Wang was not malicious.

"I heard that your mother is sick and still in the hospital. Since everyone is eating together, come over too." Aunt Zhang kindly invited.

"Yeah, come here. We haven't been together with you for a long time. This time Grandma Wang's grandson is sent to university. It is also a great event. Everyone just wants to have a good meal together." Others also echoed. Said.

"That's it."

Several aunts watched He Yixia grow up, and invited her to stay to eat together, and pulled her sleeves, making He Yixia unable to withdraw for a while.

Fang's mother couldn't help but said with a smile: "Yixia, it's just a potluck, let's give auntie a face."

He Yixia left when it was inconvenient. She was already pulled by someone and sat down at a table beside her.

Everyone was considerate of her, so they sat at a table far away from Fang's father and mother.

Surrounded by the laughter of familiar people, the environment is exactly the same as when I was a child.

He Yixia just sat for a while, and the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

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