Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3608: Extra Sinking Heian (64)

Everyone screamed. Although they didn't say what they thought of Xu Meiyi, they were all in the scream.

Speaking of it, Xu Meiyi is still relying on He Yixia, but it was Xu Meiyi who made the limelight here just now.

However, the limelight just now equals the current appearance.

No matter how big the limelight is, how big the ambiguity is, everything is directly proportional.

Fang's father and mother also felt shameless, and she gave a wink and asked Fang Yunqian to take Xu Meiyi to their table to avoid the embarrassment for a while.

Xu Meiyi slapped herself on her face, and after sitting for a while, she still had no face to continue sitting. The banquet was not over yet, so she left with an excuse.

He Yixia dealt with it almost at the end of dinner, and then got out, took her application letter, and returned home.

I took the application letter in my hand and played with it carefully for a while, and then the true joy was born in my heart.

Now, I can be regarded as an official member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!


The anger in Xu Meiyi's heart can be imagined.

Fang Yunqian is quite happy for He Yixia, and He Yixia is now staying in the country and is getting closer to him.

"He Yixia, how can you go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?" Xu Meiyi threw the bag into the car and got in.

Fang Yunqian whispered: "That is their own business, and has nothing to do with us. Forget it, don't talk about these unhappy things."

Xu Meiyi said coldly: "You are quite funny now."

"What can I be happy about? It has nothing to do with me."

Xu Meiyi became more and more angry, and said: "It seems that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is nothing more than that! I have heard before that on the day of the exam, He Yixia went to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to confess. It seems that this trick is pretty good. It works. Also, He Yixia's long face, wouldn't it be a waste if he didn't use it to the extreme?"

"Xu Meiyi, you really have enough!" Fang Yunqian roared angrily.


On Monday, He Yixia packed up and rushed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

She was wearing a uniform uniform given to her by Cao Tezhu.

The black women's work jacket and the white inner shirt are not much different from the uniform she usually wears, except that there is an additional nameplate with her name.

However, wearing such clothes on her is still very outstanding and conspicuous, comparable to tailor-made haute couture.

He Yixia went to the Ministry of Personnel to report, and then, someone from the Ministry of Personnel took her to the Translation Department and introduced her to her colleagues.

Because I had known Meng Cheng and Wu Jiayang before, and they happened to be here today, He Yixia's entry was easy and natural.

"Welcome, welcome, sit down." Wu Jiayang is relatively familiar and has long been mingled with He Yixia.

He Yixia put the things away, and he checked for her: "There are still some things, but it's okay. Let's pick them up at noon."

"it is good."

Cao Tezhu walked in and said, "Yixia, the minister wants you to go."

Both Meng Cheng and Wu Jiayang knew what He Yixia had confessed to Shen Yu'an before. This time Shen Yuan hired He Yixia regardless of previous suspicion, and everyone was surprised that it was true.

Now that Shen Yuan is looking for her, Wu Jiayang said: "Don't be afraid, the minister doesn't know how to eat people. However, there are many good guys in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so you should also look down."


He Yixia knew it!

So now everyone knows that they "like" Shen Yu'an and can't help themselves, right?

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