Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3611: Extra Sinking Heian (67)

Shen Yu'an put down the phone: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Hahaha, definitely, I've never seen you so angry. Brother, you are really true. If they don't call you, just call them. Girls are reserved. What do boys want to be reserved? What's more? , Your usual stern face is very scary, people dare not take the initiative to call you, it is understandable." Shen Chuxin blinked and said, "What do you mean?"

"Children!" Shen Yuan patted her head.

Shen Chuxin straightened her back immediately: "I'm serious! I'm in college, and I know everything about feelings!"

"Go downstairs first, I'll change my clothes." Shen Yuan said.

Shen Chuxin had to go down first.

Shen Yu'an simply rushed again, walked into the dressing room, chose a set of home clothes, looked at the mirror face, his face that had been sinking, and remembering Shen Chuxin's words, he took a fixed look at his face.

Because this face looks very similar to his father, when his father doesn't smile, it is indeed a bit scary. His subordinates have always been afraid to show up in front of him.

This comes from the instinctive oppression of the superior, but also from the fact that this face has the ability to oppress people.

Especially since his father became president in the past few years, his aura has become stronger and he has become more and more majestic.

He has never felt that he would be like his father's aura, but now it seems...this genetic gene seems to be really good?

If He Yixia didn't call, it was really easy to understand.

After all, a girl has tried so many times over and over again, and it is really difficult for her to continue to try.

Shen Yuan made a decision quickly.

At the dining table, it's rare for the whole family to be here today.

Shen Chuxin was winking at him, like a little monkey who couldn't sit still.

When the food was almost complete, Shen Yuan said, "Parents, I want to move out."

Sitting in the main seat, Shen Jingyu raised his head. The years have increased his calmness and introversion, and also condensed his powerful temperament, making him more of an adult charm.

On the side, Chu Ning has outstanding temperament, her eyebrows are still charming, sitting with her little daughter, like a pair of charming sister flowers.

Hearing what his son said, the two smiled at each other, and Shen Jingyu said, "You are finally willing to move out."

It sounds like Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning have been waiting for a long time.

Shen Yuan felt a deep dislike, well, since childhood, his parents wanted to live the two-person world, but they bothered him.

Shen Jingle, Chu Xiuping, and Shen Chuxin on the side all bowed their heads to eat. I'm sorry parents, but we interrupted.

Having said that, when Shen Yuan moved out, Chu Ning was still quite reluctant, and personally helped him organize a lot of things, for fear that he would be uncomfortable living outside.

"If you don't live well outside, come back." Chu Ning exhorted.

Compared with Shen Jingyu's introverted feelings, she loves her children even more expressly.

Shen Yuan nodded: "Mom, don't worry."


When Cao Tezhu received Shen Yu'an, he couldn't figure out why the minister suddenly wanted to live in a bachelor's apartment.

Although the apartment side had indeed left him a suite for a long time, Shen Yu'an had not lived in it once in more than three years.

That's easy to understand. After all, Shen Yu'an and his parents live in the huge Baijing Palace, which is the presidential palace of the Dragon Empire and the seat of supreme power.

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