Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3616: Extra Sinking Heian (72)

He Yixia also felt that she was talking so awkwardly with Shen Yu'an, a little uncomfortable, when she heard Tang Wen speak, she immediately said: "Then let's go first."

After speaking, she opened Tang Wen's car door first and sat in.

Tang Wen smiled, waved at Shen Yu'an, and drove away.

Shen Yuan's anger came up immediately, his tie and solemn clothes confined him extremely uncomfortably.

He turned upstairs without turning his head.

Back in the apartment suite, he was a little breathless. What does He Yixia mean?

He did not respond to her confession before, which caused her to lose face, but after returning from Egypt, he decided that he would take the rest of the way.

He consciously has gone enough, is He Yixia still playing anger with him?

Blame him for responding late?


After He Yixia got in the car, she couldn't help but feel flustered.

Obviously being invited by Tang Wen has nothing to do with other people. The time outside of work does not belong to Shen Yu'an, but he feels uncomfortable in every way.

She pressed down the car window, letting the wind blow in from the window, and brushed her beautiful hair.

She was in a trance for a moment. How could she meet Tang Wen, but feel as embarrassed as being caught and raped by Shen Yuan?

Wouldn't it be... Really like Shen Yu'an, right?

She immediately shook her head subconsciously, surely not.

How could he have any connection with Shen Yuan, who is aloof?


He Yixia heard Tang Wen's voice and turned her head: "Huh?"

"You have been posting it for a while." Tang Wen said with a smile, "Still worried that Minister Shen will criticize you?"

"Not at all. He didn't say that he would take charge of the private lives of his subordinates." He Yixia's words were responding to Tang Wen and comforting herself.

Tang Wen laughed: "His person has always regarded work as more important than fate. Leave him alone."

"Has he always been like this?"

"More than always? It's better to be more rigorous than others since I was a child? I tell you, I don't see him having a temper, as if no one else is working hard, just like he is working hard."

He Yixia smiled: "He is indeed very conscientious."

Tang Wen smiled, but always felt that Shen Yuan had different plans for He Yixia, as if he had some thoughts outside of work.

Especially, did he arrange hospitals and doctors for He Yixia's mother?

Beyond Tang Wen's understanding of Minister Shen.

However, Tang Wen saw it through and didn't say it. If Shen Yuan happened to like He Yixia, and he made an appointment to He Yixia first, wouldn't it be that he won?

When He Yixia was eating, she was actually absent-minded, and she herself was shocked by her behavior that always thought of Shen Yu'an.

So she deliberately let herself and Tang Wen open the conversation box to get rid of this idea.

However, there are some things that are not easy to get rid of.

Fortunately, Tang Wentian was able to chat from the south to the north, and He Yixia finally managed to get out of that emotion.

After dinner, Tang Wen wanted to invite He Yixia to sit in the bar again.

However, when he paid the bill, he realized that He Yixia had paid the bill in advance.

It was the first time that Tang Wen met such a girl, and she paid for it twice in a row.

He came back with the bill and put it in front of her: "Yixia, I invite you tonight."

He Yixia smiled: "In fact, thank you for being with my parents during this time, so I think I should invite you. Recently, thank you so much."

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