Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3618: Extra Sinking Heian (74)

It's a pity, seeing Shen Yuan's posture, he is not ready to take the move.

"Then we will leave first." Minister Song had to stand up and leave.

"Go slowly. Butler, see me off." Shen Yuan kept a polite smile.

Minister Song and Mrs. Song had to get up and leave.

Shen Yuan relaxed, and slightly loosened his frowning eyebrows. He didn't know what happened to He Yixia?

There was no other person at home, and he was not in the mood to speak. After going upstairs to wash, he rested.


When he got off work the next day, he received a call from Doctor Gu, and only then remembered that he had asked Doctor Gu to help his mother. It has been so long and I haven't thanked Doctor Gu.

Just when he was free, he asked the driver to drive to the hospital, and he should also see this good-tempered Uncle Gu.

When he passed by, Dr. Gu had just finished his work and was sitting in the office freely and without knowing who he was calling, with a big smile on his face.

Shen Yuan waited for a while, and didn't walk in until he finished hanging up the phone.

"Uncle Gu."

Doctor Gu smiled: "If I don't call you, you won't come, will you?"

"I've been a bit busy recently." Shen Yuan explained with a smile.

"What are you busy? I think your father is not as busy as you!" Doctor Gu joked, "Isn't the one in the hospital your future mother-in-law? What is the situation with Tang Wen who runs here every day? He wants to dig you for work. The corner, or do you want to dig the corner of your private life?"

Shen Yuan smiled helplessly: "Uncle Gu, I know how to deal with my affairs."

Doctor Gu beat him on the shoulder: "Why are you exactly the same as your dad? Meng Sao! Forget it, I don't want you to thank you anymore. Go and see your future mother-in-law!"

Shen Yuan was kicked out of the office directly by him, and had to wander towards He's mother's ward.

He is not Tang Wen's self-familiar temperament, nor can he pull down Tang Wen's face. He can get together anywhere and rush to meet He's mother. It is not his style of behavior.

Thinking of this, he first called He Yixia.

"Minister Shen? Is something wrong?" He Yixia was in the ward. When receiving the call, she hurriedly lowered her voice and walked outside the door.

As soon as she walked out, she saw Shen Yu'an's slender figure, standing not far away, feeling her presence, he raised his eyes and looked at him directly.

He Yixia felt a little bit in her heart, and she didn't know if there was something wrong with her work?

She walked towards Shen Yu'an quickly: "Minister Shen, is there anything at work?"

"No." Shen Yu'an said flatly, "I just want to visit my aunt."

"Huh?" He Yixia was startled, "Then please come in."

Shen Yuan followed in her footsteps and walked into the ward together.

Mother He was drinking water, and suddenly saw such a tall and tall young man with exceptional temperament come in, and his eyes lit up, as if the sun was shining in, and as if the other party was descending like a god, it is difficult for mortals to look at him directly. Gaze.

"Mom, this is the leader of my department, Minister Shen. He is here on behalf of the department to visit you." He Yixia said.

Speaking of the representative department's visit, Shen Yuan found out that he was empty-handed, and there was really no attitude of visiting at all.

He politely greeted: "Good aunt. Is your health better?"

Mother He was somewhat cautious about seeing big people: "It's much better, thank you Minister Shen, she took the time to visit me during her busy schedule."

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