Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3622: Extra Sinking Heian (78)

It was almost five o'clock before she felt her stomach empty.

She simply sat on the sofa, waiting for Tang Wen to come over.

Outside the corridor, a woman stepping on high heels was full of sullen expression.

Behind her were two bodyguards, who were holding cameras.

She said indifferently: "Tang Wen is engaged to me, and there are other women who want to hit him. I want to meet this woman and see who gave her the courage to grab someone else's fiancé! At that time, you two, stripped her naked for me, took all the photos, and put them directly on the internal network of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Let me see if she is really so shameless!"

The bodyguard immediately responded: "Yes!"

Hearing the doorbell ringing, He Yixia walked quickly to open the door.

Opening the door, a woman's sharp voice came: "Bitch! Let you hook up someone else's fiance! Get out of me! You two, go!"

He Yixia stayed away, and didn't know who was here.

But the opponent was aggressive, and she didn't have much defense. Two bodyguards with a huge height slammed into the door forcefully.

He Yixia said angrily: "Who are you? What are you going to do? I'm going to call the police!"

"Did Tang Wen tell you who I am? You have the face to **** someone from your fiance, and you should have the face to recognize it! Come on, strip her naked for me!"

With a wave of her hand, the two bodyguards are about to act.

Shen Yuan is ready, He Yixia wants to invite him to dinner.

Since she was not active enough, and the time was almost up, he went downstairs first and came to the floor where He Yixia was.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he heard the sound coming from inside and He Yixia's anger.

The hands and feet reacted a step faster than the brain, Shen Yuan stepped forward, grabbed the bodyguard by the collar, and threw him straight out.

The other bodyguard was about to meet He Yixia, and suddenly kicked him, kicking him aside fiercely, and suddenly fell to the ground like a rag.

The woman was stunned: "Hey, you..."

She recognized the identity of this person, a man who is often seen in the news. In real life, she has never been able to see it.

This man would actually help He Yixia?

Shen Yuan pulled He Yixia up, pressed her head to her chest, and looked at the woman coldly, "Who is going to move her!"

His handsome features are solemn and solemn, and there is no hostility, but the murderous look in his eyes makes people shudder.

He Yixia's originally helpless mood settled down instantly.

The two bodyguards scrambled to the side and pointed to the woman and said, "We all take money to do things, regardless of our affairs."

Shen Yuan's gaze fell on the woman, who was seen by him taking a step back: "I... this woman seduce my fiancé Tang Wen, so I should teach her a lesson, isn't it right! Who will let her take care of herself!"

He Yixia raised her head: "I didn't even know that Tang Wen had a fiancé, and I was not with Tang Wen. I hope you can check it out before handling the matter."

"When things reach this point, do you want to deny it?" The woman didn't believe it at all.

"Believe it or not, just do whatever you want, is it very happy to pass on your incompetence to others?" He Yixia retorted.

"You dare to say it!" the woman said angrily.

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