Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3633: Extra Sinking Heian (89)

When the chat box opened, He Yixia relaxed and smiled: "Yes, if my mother had to let me try with him, I wouldn't be too embarrassed. Fortunately, Minister Shen helped me arrange me. If my mother is admitted to the hospital, otherwise, I will accept Tang Wen's love, and it will be even harder to refuse him."

In his words, he compared him with Tang Wen.

Moreover, his evaluation is much higher than Tang Wen.

He Yixia's original intention was that Shen Yu'an was sympathetic to her subordinates. He helped her, and she inherited the affection of the entire department.

But in Shen Yu'an's ears, there is no feeling.

A sharp curve appeared on the corner of his lips: "Don't accept his help in the future."

"Of course I won't." He Yixia said, "Even this time I was admitted to the hospital, I originally asked my friends for help, but Minister Shen was one step ahead."

Shen Yuan nodded and said, "Well, I will be earlier next time. It is too troublesome for friends and not very convenient."

He Yixia slowly turned her head over, always feeling that Shen Yuan's words meant something in and out of it...Is it a little too close?

Is he doing this to the entire department? Or do you treat her like this?

However, He Yixia is not good to explore.

Inquiry too much, easy to be passionate.

However, she still prefers the former.

Maybe it is because he is too sympathetic to his subordinates and will help if he can help, so he gives a glimmer of hope to the girls who like him? Will it lead to more and more people like him?

The location of the restaurant was about to arrive, and Shen Yuan's cell phone rang.

Hearing the ringtone from the official work phone, he frowned slightly and answered, "What? It's so serious? Okay, I'll go to the office right away."

The driver had already heard the content of his call, and before he could say, the car passed the restaurant without stopping and drove directly towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He has been answering the phone, and He Yixia couldn't say anything, and accompanied him to the office.

At least half of the secretaries were still there. Seeing Shen Yu'an and He Yixia walking in together, everyone was stunned for a while. No one's attention stayed in this area. Someone immediately handed the document to Shen Yu'an and said: "Minister , The accident that happened at the embassy has been involved in the investigation, and we will also give an urgent voice to reassure you. You still need to make a statement here."

"Arrange now." Shen Yuan said without stopping.

He Yixia originally wanted to ask what am I staying for?

But I saw that everyone around was dealing with matters urgently, and the large screens hanging on the walls on all sides were scrolling and looping to broadcast an accidental fire situation in the embassy of the Dragon Empire in a certain country.

Everyone followed the call with solemn expressions, dealing with the work in front of them.

He Yixia had to sit down and wait to talk about it. Shen Yuan couldn't take care of her at all in the current emergency.

Moreover, a dinner and a job review are not enough to compare with this matter.

But He Yixia couldn't leave either, so she had to sit there and wait.

Seeing everyone was busy, she asked a secretary next to her: "Secretary Zhang, what can I do to help?"

Secretary Zhang knew her. Seeing that she had come here to accompany Shen Yu'an to work overtime, she gave her some documents: "It just happens to be a translation, can you help me with this? It's urgent. You are here, I will Don’t look for other translations on duty."

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