Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3650: Extra Sinking Heian (106)

After delivering the guests from Singapore, Shen Yuan was also a little tired.

When Cao Tezhu came back, he smelled of alcohol.

He has always been particularly sensitive to the smell of wine, frowning and asked: "Did you drink?"

"No, it's He Yixia..."

After Cao Tezhu said the name, he remembered that the minister didn't like to hear the name, so he stopped mentioning it.

Shen Yuan turned his head to look at him: "What?"

"Nothing." Cao Tezhu could feel his upset and said that there was nothing.

Shen Yuan touched her cheek with the tip of her tongue: "What happened to He Yixia? I heard many people in the department talk about her."

After asking, Shen Yuan felt boring.

However, it did not take back the question.

Cao Tezhu selectively said, "Didn't I meet her just now? She drank and looked a little drunk. Then in the afternoon, someone publicly accused her of being a junior and intervening in other families. Maybe it’s because this mood is not so good?"

This matter is actually a bit serious for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So Tezhu Cao immediately said: "I don't think this is credible. How could she like that kind of man? He translated? You don't like you... Isn't she the most elite type of man in the Dragon Empire? Such a big gap? So impossible, impossible!"

"Where did the news come from?" Shen Yu'an asked.

Cao Tezhu was surprised. The Minister even cares about such trivial matters?

Fortunately, he asked other secretaries in the secretary's office just now to get a general idea of ​​the matter, so he immediately gave the forum and address link where the post appeared to Shen Yu'an.

Seeing Shen Yu'an's deep face, Cao Tezhu knew that he should be angry.

Getting angry is also a matter of course.

Cao Te helped understand this point. Even if the minister does not like He Yixia, he will not allow someone from the outside to hack his own employees for no reason, especially those who are capable of such as He Yixia.

Who is not angry?

Cao Tezhu only waited for Shen Yu'an to speak, and went to solve the matter by himself, so as to prevent the outside world from looking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all wearing colored glasses.

However, after seeing the link, Shen Yuan was expressionless and didn't say anything, just calmly picked up the phone and got into the car.

Cao Special Assistant: "???"

So, is this to be done or not to be done?

If Shen Yu'an doesn't speak, he really doesn't have the right to take care of this matter.

However, Shen Yuan only said one sentence: "After get off work, let's go back."

Cao Tezhu froze in place, so what does the minister mean?

After getting in the car, Shen Yuan asked the person in charge at the apartment to ask about the situation. He simply found an excuse and asked for the monitoring of the apartment's main entrance and the unit building.

The person in charge over there naturally gave it over soon.

Shen Yuan estimated the time and clicked to the approximate time.

During the surveillance, He Yixia appeared.

After getting out of the car, she went straight into the door of the apartment and greeted the security.

He Yixia staggered a bit, wrapped her clothes tightly, she could see that she had drunk some wine, her figure was lonely, staggering alone at night, so thin that she could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Shen Yu'an frowned slightly, stretched out his fingers and dropped them on the screen, and then curled up the corners of his lips in mockery.

Following her figure, she entered the unit building, and then disappeared on the floor where she lived.

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