Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3654: Extra Sinking Heian (110)

"Hey, Doctor Zhang, is there something wrong with my mother?"

"That's not true. It's Miss He, I want to communicate with you. Now Doctor Gu is very busy. He only has one place for surgery. Now your mother must give this place to Song Encheng. Dr. Gu said, if you let it, you won't There is another opportunity. He will fly to the U.S. soon and won't be back in a short time. Please be sure." Dr. Zhang said.

He Yixia pursed her lips: "Okay, I will talk to my mother about this matter."

"Well, I hope you get your results soon."

He Yixia hung up and called her mother.

He mother's voice came faintly: "Yixia, you don't need to say, I have all thoughts about it. I will definitely let out this opportunity."

Because of this issue, He Yixia and her mother have discussed it many times.

Including many uncles, uncles and aunts in the community have also persuaded He mother.

So He Yixia is no longer anxious as before. She squeezed her phone and asked: "Mom, can I know why?"

"I said, I can't bear to see such a young child encounter such a problem. She is also good, so I gave it to her. In addition, it is for the sake of your future."

He's mother's words sounded impeccable.

And her attitude is very firm, she had already forced her to death before.

He Yixia felt that there was no need to go on.

But her mother's words made her feel deeply reserved.

She doesn't believe this is the truest reason.

However, she couldn't find out more from her mother.

Seeing her silence, He’s mother’s voice came: "Yixia, this matter, are you okay with your mother? Besides, there is nothing serious about mom’s body. I don’t beg you for other things, this matter. I promised someone else, it’s really hard to go back."

"Okay." He Yixia had to nod and agree.

For the first time, I felt so helpless, I felt so far away from my mother.

In the past, she had always thought that although the life of her family of three was flat, but happy and warm, nothing could defeat the offensive and defensive alliance of the family of three.

But this time she was wrong, even her father hesitated to stand on He's mother's side and opposed her request.

Even if she told her parents what Song Encheng said to her, the parents still didn't believe her.

He Yixia held the phone, and for a while, emotions surged up inexplicably. For the first time, he felt that the distance between himself and his parents was so far away.

She lowered her head, tears welling up, not a tingling in her heart, but soreness as if she was holding something.

It seemed that the few glasses of wine last night were so stuffy and uncomfortable that I could vomit and couldn't vomit out, and I could only suffer the spirit of the wine abruptly.

When Shen Yuan walked over with his long legs, he was seeing He Yixia standing silently on the balcony holding back tears.

He stopped and stood not far from her.

He Yixia also keenly sensed that someone was approaching, and when he looked up, it was Shen Yu'an.

She had already held back the tears, but began to fall again unconvincingly, and she didn't know if it was because of seeing a relatively familiar person.

Shen Yuan was standing there, looking at her quietly.

With him as the boundary, the distance between the outside and her is isolated.

She was left in a relatively safe and undisturbed environment.

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