Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3656: Extra Sinking Heian (112)

She angrily said: "So can you stop looking for me? Fang Yunqian, you are now married to Xu Meiyi, can you be loyal to your own marriage and show up less in front of me?"

"I am sorry."

"I don't want to hear any excuses. If you didn't show up in front of me several times, you wouldn't have the suspicion that Xu Meiyi had, and this wouldn't happen, would it?"

Fang Yunqian said eagerly: "Yixia, I just want to see you too much. I just want to know how well you are."

"No need, Fang Yunqian." He Yixia lowered her eyes, "Really don't need it. Your attitude will only make Xu Meiyi more suspicious and cause more trouble for me. For the good of us all , Can all of this stop here?"


"Don't call me anymore!" He Yixia was a little bored, her tone of voice was not good, "When she was chosen, there will be no more me in your world. Please be responsible for your own choice, okay? ?"

Fang Yunqian became more guilty, "I just can't bear to see you like this, in order to avenge me, to pursue a man you can't reach..."

"What do you mean?" He Yixia was really angry now, "I pursue anyone, like anyone, it has nothing to do with you!"

Fang Yunqian decided that she wanted to retaliate against Shen Yu'an, and reached out and grabbed her wrist: "Yixia, I said, just wait for me for a while before we can be together again."

Hearing such words will not make He Yixia feel happy and gratified, but will feel a kind of unspeakable irritability and fear. Why does he say such a thing?

She struggled, "Fang Yunqian, let go!"

"Yixia, please listen to me and let me go." Fang Yunqian insisted on his opinion, with a very firm attitude.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let her go!" The security guard walked over quickly, "Which department do you do? What do you do?"

Fang Yunqian was jealous, and quickly released He Yixia's arm.

"He interpreter, are you okay?" The security guard knew He Yixia and asked hurriedly, "Do you need help to drive away?"

"Need!" He Yixia nodded without hesitation.

"Yixia..." Fang Yunqian didn't expect He Yixia to treat herself like this.

When the security guard heard He Yixia said that he needed to, he immediately opened his mouth to drive people away, and said: "Do you know what this place is? I am not allowed to stay here! I will see you once and catch you once!"

Fang Yunqian had no choice but to leave first.

He Yixia was a little tired and weak when he saw him being driven away.

The security guard said: "He interpreter, don't be afraid, our security measures here are very strict, if someone harass you, just call us directly. We can also help you call the police."

"Thank you." He Yixia said seriously.

"Yes, it should. Do you need us to send you back?" the security asked again.

"No, thank you."

"Then look for us next time when you need it." The security guard was very enthusiastic.

He Yixia walked away, and one of the security guards said: "Minister Shen is really sympathetic to his subordinates. Seeing someone harassing He interpreter, he immediately asked us to come forward to solve it, and let us wake up in the future. In this case, solve it as soon as possible and don't delay it."

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