Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3672: Extra Sinking Heian (128)

"Minister Shen, this is a translation for you." He Yixia handed him today's results with both hands.

Shen Yuan took it over: "Yeah."

He flipped it slightly, and the progress was slightly faster than expected.

"Give me the electronic version too."

"It has been sent to your work mailbox."

Shen Yu'an nodded slightly, did not say much, took the bath towel and prepared to enter the bathroom.

Suddenly thinking of something, he asked: "Is there no one in the translation department?"

"Huh?" He Yixia didn't understand what he meant.

"Let you be alone to deliver things." Shen Yuan seemed slightly unhappy.

He Yixia explained: "Secretary Wang has been in a hurry for this thing, and I have been keeping it. If I can find another colleague to send it, they will live in the hotel next door, and it will take an extra period of time to make it even more troublesome. So I went to deliver it."

Shen Yu'an frowned slightly, "Next time someone asks you to give something, you call Special Assistant Cao. Our department has always had a tradition of respecting the elderly and loving the young and protecting women."

"Okay." He Yixia nodded.

Then I couldn't help but ask one more sentence: "Minister Shen, are you really going in with me today?"

"Otherwise?" Shen Yuan looked at her calmly, "My schedule is very full."

He Yixia knew that she was thinking too much, and Shen Yu'an was right. Given his saturation of work, where there is time to go out and run more.

Moreover, he has no reason to do so.


For the next two days, there was nothing wrong with each other.

Talking with colleagues and Li Xueying, He Yixia did not say that she and Shen Yuan live in the same room.

Of course, Special Assistant Cao wouldn't say that it was for work and there was nothing. If he said that, he wouldn't be allowed to spread it.

Everyone only thought that He Yixia lived in the hotel room here and handled matters for the minister.

She also consciously became a qualified roommate. When Shen Yuan called and held conference calls, she quietly did her own things.

In addition to reporting work, she rarely speaks to Shen Yuan on the initiative.

Shen Yu'an is very cold, and naturally he rarely takes the initiative to speak to her.

But what is strange is that there is a miraculous harmony between the two living in this way.

Shen Yuan forwarded He Yixia's translation to Chu Xiuping.

He Yixia herself was addicted to reading this novel, and she would inevitably turn over a little more every day. Chu Xiuping and Shen Yuan were hooked.

On this day, He Yixia temporarily turned over a work report sent by Secretary Wang. It took a while, and when she gave Shen Yuan a novel, it was almost normal.

She briefly explained to Shen Yu'an.

"Normal work is fine." Shen Yuan accepted today's translation.

He Yixia nodded.

"By the way, there are fresh fruits from others over there, you can cut it for help." Shen Yuan pointed to the gift bag next to him, "I still have something to do."

During this period, the supply of fresh vegetables and fruits has been quite tight due to the cut-off of air routes in this small country and various strikes by workers.

Although the supply is still maintained in the hotel, the quantity is much smaller.

If you want to order fruit and vegetable salad alone, the price is skyrocketing.

As an oriental stomach who eats fresh vegetables and fruits every day in the Dragon Empire, He Yixia also has a great demand for fresh fruits.

Although the food delivered by the waiter in the past two days did not go to her, the watermelon is not too sweet and the oranges are also exceptionally sour.

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