Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3675: Extra Sinking Heian (131)

So could it be that Shen Yu'an specially prepared it to satisfy his own taste?

It makes sense to think so.

Shen Yuan's position and background, it's normal to ask for more.

It's just that those dishes happened to suit He Yixia's own taste. It's really hard to say that it was a complete coincidence.

The flight time was booked very quickly, and Cao Tezhu came to pick up He Yixia.

After chatting for a few words along the way, He Yixia suddenly asked: "Cao Tezhu, does the Minister like to eat ham and asparagus, and the sprout chrysanthemum chrysanthemum?"

Shen Yuan’s diet has a dedicated person in charge, but Cao Tezhu himself also knows his taste quite well.

Hearing He Yixia's question, he immediately said: "Not only I don't like it, but also very annoying. It can be placed in front of him, but he will definitely not eat a bite."

But He Yixia has this dish on the table these two days.

Because she usually likes to eat.

It's no wonder that Shen Yu'an never stretched out his chopsticks.

A little red tide suddenly flooded He Yixia's face.

There seemed to be something faintly emerging in my heart.

This is the feeling that she can't catch it herself.

Cao Te asked: "Yixia, are you still paying attention to Minister's situation?"

"Just ask." He Yixia smiled.

"Envy you to be able to go back here, you can eat delicious Dragon Empire cuisine. I have gnawed bread every day these days, and gave me my tongue. This bread can really kill people." Cao Te When helping Yixia He is together, it is easy to murmur, and she said everything she didn't dare to say in front of Shen Yu'an, "After you go back, if you see delicious food, you can eat more and help me eat a bowl."

"Okay." He Yixia nodded. It turned out that even Cao Tezhu was eating hard bread every day.


After coming back, Li Xueying came to pick her up and ordered a lot of dishes. While putting her in her bowl, she said, "You really have to eat more. Look at how thin you are."

He Yixia leaned on the chopsticks and smiled: "Can I say, can I eat these dishes every day?"

"What's the situation? You have a fake country, right? I also have a fake heart?"

"It's Shen Yu'an. I have dinner with him. He orders these dishes every day."

Li Xueying suddenly screamed: "He Yixia! Are you really together? Shen Yuan really meant that for you? Didn't the previous incidents hit him?"

"I'm not sure, it's just a meal. It's not there yet."

Li Xueying took her hand and said, "Speak quickly, tell me what else is going on! I want to listen, the kind that won't get bored all night."

He Yixia talked about things together during this time. Li Xueying suddenly patted her shoulder: "He Yixia, your spring is coming! Envy! It's Shen Yu'an, oh, it's Shen Yu'an!"

"Hush!" He Yixia covered her mouth.

This was all their speculation. Shen Yu'an didn't express the meaning in that respect at all. He Yixia didn't dare to directly assert that he really cared about himself so much.


Two more days later, Shen Yuan has not returned from abroad.

He Yixia briefly asked Cao Special Assistant, and heard from him that it takes some time to deal with local affairs.

There are still a few days before He Yixia's birthday. When she was planning her birthday, she took this opportunity to ask Shen Yu'an for more information.

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