Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 368: Feeling his kiss, it becomes sweet

Shen Jingyu held He Ning's hand and rubbed it in his palm.

"Don't get pregnant for the time being anyway, for the sake of your health." Gu Yunchen urged Shen Jingyu regardless of the previous suspicion.


After eating and returning home, Shen Jingyu said, "Do you want a baby?"

"Today I saw a child. It was really cute. I didn't have a mom when I was very young. In fact, I didn't feel at home since I was a child... So I really hope to have a complete family with a child." There was a gleam in Hening's eyes.

Shen Jingyu was silent, a light flashing in his eyes.

Upon seeing this, He Ning's voice became quieter: "Husband, do you like children?"

"I don't like it." Shen Jingyu said slowly.

The smile on He Ning's face froze.

"But if it's you, it's an exception." Shen Jingyu added softly.

He Ning's smile eased again: "But Doctor Gu said that it is not right now... But I will get better one day. By the way, I haven't taken any medicine tonight..."

She jumped off the bed barefoot, grabbed the medicine bottle, counted the medicines out, and swallowed it down.

Shen Jingyu looked at her back, feeling a little heavy by something in her heart.

When He Ning came back again, he was about to explore the folds between his eyebrows, and he caught him in his arms.

His kiss followed He Ning's neck to his lips.

The lips and tongue that had just taken the medicine became sweet when they felt his kiss.

He Ning smiled crookedly: "Doctor Gu said that when I get better, I can get pregnant. We can have a child, which belongs to our common child."

"Yeah." Shen Jingyu replied in a low voice.

"Will you like it?" He Ning asked unconfidently. He was obviously depressed when he mentioned the child's topic.

"I like it very much." Shen Jingyu responded to her emotions with her physical actions.

He Ning's worries just now were thrown out of the clouds. He practiced it personally and told her of his determination.

Tucked her under her body, Shen Jingyu let go of her movements, her entangled body telling her desire for each other.

He Ning became extra active, with his slender legs wrapped around his narrow waist, and doing what he did, biting on his earlobes, aroused Shen Jingyu's mood, and his movements became more wild.

After the wild release, it was already midnight.

Shen Jingyu tucked the quilt for her and called Professor Liang.

Professor Liang has the habit of doing experiments at night, and quickly answered the phone.

"Jingyu, what's the matter?"

"Professor Liang, I don't know my condition. Is there any progress recently?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a moment of silence, only the slight sound of electricity.

Professor Liang’s old voice carried a trace of regret: "I am working hard, and I will work harder."

"Yeah," Shen Jingyu said softly.

The memory goes back to a year ago.

At that time, it was a very important task to rescue top medical scientists who were kidnapped by mobs in third world countries.

Shen Jingyu successfully completed the task, but he was infected with the toxic substances that the mob forced the doctor to develop.

If that toxic substance spreads around the world, the consequences will be disastrous.

A total of 18 soldiers who followed Shen Jingyu to complete the task, including Shen Jingyu, a total of five people were infected.

Two of them, after a year of treatment, have died of illness.

The remaining Shen Jingyu and the other two have been undergoing strict examination and treatment by Professor Liang, and have not developed symptoms for the time being.

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