Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3684: Extra Sinking Heian (140)

"Wait." Shen Yuan stopped him.

Qin Yuan groaned secretly in his heart.

Shen Yuan said: "Give your mother a call and let her come down to pick you up. Can you call me? Can't you call me."

One group cares about the appearance of their subordinates.

But Qin Yuan knew that Minister Shen was beating himself.

It's really wrong to pretend to be drunk, but he didn't really plan to do anything to He Yixia, he just wanted to take this opportunity to get in touch with her more, lest she always behave like a business person.

Being caught upright by Shen Yu'an, Qin Yuan was guilty of death.

He said hurriedly: "I'll do it myself."

He Yixia stood by and saw Qin Yuan making a call.

After a while, a middle-aged woman came from the gate of the community.

Shen Yuan said to He Yixia: "You get in the car first."

He Yixia Yiyan got on the car.

Then Mother Qin came over. Seeing some familiar young people in front of her, she was at a loss for a moment, and then she was flattered, "Oh, you are the youngest Foreign Minister Shen Yu'an? Minister Shen, go upstairs and sit down! "

"No, I will be relieved by handing Qin Yuan in your hands."

"This kid, why do you drink so much alcohol?" Mother Qin was worried, but also afraid that his drinking might affect his work. "Minister Shen, it really caused you trouble. If Qin Yuan did something wrong, you Just beating and scolding. Don't be polite, just be stricter to make him a talent."

"Mom." Qin Yuan couldn't help it.

Shen Yuan said indifferently: "Work is on our own. The Dragon Empire speaks of the rule of law and will not beat and scold people at will."

"Yes, yes, Minister Shen made sense." Mother Qin nodded hurriedly, "I was talking nonsense."

Shen Yuan handed the person over to her, and then left.

Looking at his upright back, Qin Yuan told him from the same kind of emotion that it would be difficult to catch He Yixia.

Others say that Minister Shen hates He Yixia, but he only learned tonight that this is not the case.

Shen Yu'an got in the car, and then drove in the direction of the apartment.

"Thanks for your hard work, Minister Shen, I didn't expect you to help me with this matter."

"Qin Yuan is so drunk, how can I stand by and watch?" Shen Yuan smiled faintly.

Qin Yuan's hand was about to climb her waist, didn't she feel anything at all?

He Yixia really didn't feel anything, she was exhausted just now by helping others.

Shen Yuan really helped a lot.

He held the steering wheel with one hand, and the driving action was free and easy and handsome, no longer the usual rigorous appearance.

"Why do you drink so crazy tonight?"

"Several colleagues in the Translation Department, didn't they come back one after another?" He Yixia said, "I have been scared over there for so long, and everyone has a very fearful mentality, which is to take this opportunity to relax.

Shen Yu'an nodded, expressing understanding.

"However, drinking too much at night is not good for your health."

He Yixia nodded: "We don't usually have dinner together like this. Just this time."

"That's good."

He Yixia remembered that when she was there, she was with Shen Yu'an as soon as the country was in chaos, basically avoiding those worries.

Those bits and pieces resurfaced in my heart.

The car unknowingly entered the underground parking lot of the apartment.

Shen Yuan locked the car and entered the elevator with He Yixia.

He Yixia grabbed the bag with her fingers, and suddenly said: "Minister Shen..."

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