Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3691: Extra Sinking Heian (147)

Aunt Zhang patted her forehead: "It's the evening news! The evening news that is broadcast at dinner every day! That is Shen Yu'an, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs!"

Others also remembered, "Yeah! Isn't that the youngest Minister of Foreign Affairs in our country? I used to see it often, no wonder he was so familiar. Oh, why did he come to such a small place? It’s really an honorable person who stepped down on the low ground to make us splendid. Rare, rare!"

"Is it the one that Yixia likes?" Aunt Zhang said, her eyes widened. "That's not right, doesn't it mean that people can't like Yixia? Doesn't it look like it?"

Looking from their position, I just saw He Yixia had a scarf on her neck that did not belong to her. Shen Yuan was lowering her head and patiently saying something to her, then opened the door for her, and closed it after she got up. Okay, I got into the driving position.

This doesn't look like a plot of "He Yixia chasing Shen Yu'an to no avail" anyway!

It seems that Shen Yu'an still cares about He Yixia.

Aunt Zhang couldn't help laughing: "I'll just say that Yixia is not bad! Based on Yixia's talents, looks and abilities, isn't it normal for a good man to like her?"

Originally, Xu Meiyi introduced her boyfriend to He Yixia. Everyone agreed. After all, they all looked forward to He Yixia's good.

But the words that Xu Meiyi sneered, everyone didn't like it a little, and because of the friendship between the neighbors, everyone didn't say much.

Now this scene made Aunt Zhang feel a bit of a sigh of relief.

Xu Meiyi stood aside, suddenly feeling a little boring.

Watching Shen Yu'an telling He Yixia to pick it up, she was stinged in her eyes!

Why can He Yixia get such a good fortune?

She whispered: "What can Minister Shen do to find her? It's not a matter of work!"

When she said this, she seemed to be comforted a bit, and finally she didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore in her heart.

It is also determined that there is only a working relationship between He Yixia and Shen Yu'an!

Fang Yunqian was also a little surprised, his eyes followed the street that had become empty.

The two men were both thoughtful and unwilling.

Aunt Zhang smiled and said to Mother He: "Mother Yixia, don't you have to worry now, right? It makes sense for Yixia to look down on other people. Shen Yuan is such a good target."

Xu Meiyi's words were extremely harsh to the ears, she didn't want to drag Fang Yunqian to leave, feeling the extreme loss of face.

Mother He didn't look very happy, she didn't feel happy, and she couldn't help but worry a little bit on her face.

Aunt Zhang thought she was worried about He Yixia’s future, and she smiled and persuaded: "Mother Yixia, what are you still worried about? With conditions like Yixia, you should find a good person. Speaking of which, Minister Shen I also like her. We look very happy, and it also shows that this child is worthy. Minister Shen is a responsible person, you can see from his dealings, so don't worry about Yixia."

Mother He came back to her senses and said, "Hey, how can you not worry about this as a mother."

Father He, who has always had no sense of existence next to him, also said: "That is, what is there to worry about about the child."

"I think you will only enjoy the blessing in the future, and nothing to worry about." Aunt Zhang said with a smile.

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