Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3701: Extra Sinking Heian (157)

He Yixia was unmoved at all.

Xu Meiyi whispered: "Think about it, if I hadn't pried Fang Yunqian away, you wouldn't have such a chance, would you?"

He Yixia was really laughed at by her, feeling that she is now with Shen Yuan, or is it because of her credit?

"That's a matter between you and Fang Yunqian, and it has nothing to do with me. Sorry, I can't help with your matter."

"He Yixia, are you really not afraid that Shen Yuan knows about you and Fang Yunqian for more than ten years? Do you really think he doesn't mind? You can help me with just one sentence, which can save you a lot of worries, you really Do you want to consider it?"

He Yixia originally wanted to leave.

Hearing these words, he stopped and turned back slowly.

Seeing her change of heart, Xu Meiyi couldn't help being proud of two or three points on her face, but she still wanted her now, so she was somewhat restrained.

He Yixia looked at her indifferently and said: "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten the last time you hacked me on the Internet."

"Slap" He Yixia gave her a slap, slapped Xu Meiyi's face to one side: "This slap is for the last thing. As for the future, just come."

After speaking, she left now.

Xu Meiyi was caught off guard and became angry, but after all, she didn't dare to do anything to He Yixia.

I can only watch her leave, regretting and angry.

When He Yixia left, thinking about Fang Yunqian's affairs, she hesitated.

Although it is not a problem to have a relationship, and the points are clean, but Xu Meiyi talks about it everywhere, it is indeed a trouble.

I don't know what Shen Yu'an would say when he heard it?

She felt that it was still necessary to talk to Shen Yu'an.

Thinking of this, she sighed lowly.

Afraid that Xu Meiyi would move faster than herself, she sent a WeChat message to Shen Yuan first.

"Ex-boyfriend? Did you say Fang Yunqian?" Shen Yuan came back.

He Yixia suddenly regretted that this matter should be discussed in person.

You shouldn't say this hastily and directly on WeChat.

Wait, he said Fang Yunqian?

How does he know this name?

"How did you get his name?"

Shen Yuan replied: "Last time his wife knew about you when he hacked you online."

He Yixia felt that she caught something, "So you helped to solve the last post?"

Shen Yuan hadn't planned to talk about this, but when she mentioned it, he didn't evade it.

He asked: "Why, are they going to be monsters again?"

He Yixia only understood that Shen Yu'an had known about the big things she thought, and she didn't take it seriously, and, like her, treated Xu Meiyi as a snake disease.

No wonder what happened last time was solved silently.

She suddenly felt relieved, only to realize that she knew Shen Yu'an far more than he knew herself.

"Not really. I just think that I should tell you about my ex-boyfriend."

"I'm very happy for your confession, but you don't need to take it as a burden." Shen Yuan made a voice this time, the background was a little noisy, it sounded like he was busy, "What age is this?"

He Yixia held the phone's hand and completely loosened it.

Shen Yuan was busy, so after a few more words, he didn't speak.

Instead, Li Xueying came to ask: "I heard that Shen Yu'an is in love? Yixia, what on earth do you think, you really missed a great opportunity!"

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