Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3705: Extra Sinking Heian (161)

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the hotel, I met a group of acquaintances. Shen Yuan was also eating here with guests from abroad.

Because both sides were familiar with each other, everyone greeted each other and then separated to different private rooms.

When He Yixia saw Shen Yu'an, she could only accompany in the crowd, looking at him more.

Shen Yuan's eyes fell on her twice without a trace.

However, there were too many people, and the two of them separated without being able to say a word.

Waiting for He Yixia to come to another private room, took out her mobile phone and took a look, and she saw the message he sent: "Tonight's entertainment is still a little longer, you should be faster on your side. Don't wait for me, I will let him Uncle Li came to take you back."

Uncle Li is his driver. The private driver from the Shen family can drive his private car to pick up He Yixia.

He Yixia responded to him and plunged into work.

Translators generally don't know how to drink, because they are afraid of affecting their work.

But sometimes there are exceptions, because the high-level leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs mostly pass the foreign language, and there is no problem in dealing with some dinner occasions. When eating, the use of translation will be more or less reduced.

Sometimes it is inevitable that translators have to do their best to accompany the guests to drink.

He Yixia ran into such a situation tonight and had two drinks.

However, she didn't have too many things later, but the two parties were still having a good chat. Although He Yixia was idle, it was not convenient to leave immediately.

Tonight, this is a restaurant that specializes in seafood feasts. The food in front of you is always in shell.

He Yixia can't drink and seafood at the same time, otherwise he will be allergic.

So she usually eats seriously and rarely drinks.

I drank two glasses tonight, and it seems that these things in front of me cannot be eaten.

She quietly asked the waiter for the menu, planning to have a porridge to drink.

As a result, this restaurant really beats the characteristics to the end. Not to mention that all the porridge is dipped with seafood, even the desserts are shrimp and cheese, honey sea cucumber soup, and crab roe cheese cake.

Good news for people who like to eat seafood.

He Yixia's nightmare after drinking.

She returned the menu to the waiter, "No, thank you."

After a busy day, in order to keep her head awake in the afternoon, she didn’t eat much at noon, so she prepared to eat two good bites in the evening. Now it seems that she has to be hungry for a while and wait until the meal is over before she can go out to eat a bite .

Everyone was chatting with the guests courteously, and He Yixia quickly gathered his mind and focused on the other party.

Just looking at everything felt like food, and she was so hungry that she was holding juice to drink, and picked a few pieces of fruit to eat.

Fruit is such a food. The more you eat, the more empty your stomach will become, and the more you will feel flustered.

After taking a few bites, He Yixia had to put it down, habitually waiting for the end of the dinner.

After a while, the waiter came in again, holding a large baking tray in his hand.

Shen Yuan followed and walked in slowly.

When everyone saw him, they immediately stood up and greeted him.

Shen Yu'an was holding a wine glass, and he was already two or three minutes of wine, but his eyes were exceptionally clear, and he had a gentle temperament.

When he stood up, many girls couldn't help but look at him.

Therefore, when He Yixia saw his movements several times, it seemed to others to be normal. Who could avoid the love of beauty?

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