Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3722: Extra Sinking Heian (178)

As soon as He Yixia concentrated, he felt his hot breath and vigorous **** mixed together.

She was tempted, climbed onto his shoulders, and took the initiative to cater.

When she woke up until noon, Shen Yuan called room service to let someone prepare lunch.

When He Yixia was in the dark, everything was fine.

After dawn, I was a little bit embarrassed to see him by his side, and there was a touch of pink on Qiao's face.

Shen Yu'an stretched out her hand to embrace her, hugged her from behind, rubbed her hair lightly: "Whenever, let's find a time and meet our parents."

He Yixia reached out and put her hand on the back of his hand: "Does it need to be so fast?"

In fact, it's not that you don't want a rightful chance to fall in love.

But thinking of people who want to see Hyakukyo Palace... and they don't seem to be ready yet.

"Don't need it?" Shen Yu'an asked, it doesn't matter what others think, he doesn't want the girl he likes to be wronged.

He Yixia smiled and rubbed his arm: "Then you arrange it."

Shen Yuan kissed her: "Go take a bath first."

When taking a shower, I felt tired and crooked for a while. When the waiter brought lunch, the two of them packed up and changed their clothes.

After the lunch was set, He Yixia picked up the chopsticks, picked up the phone and glanced at it, only to find dozens of missed calls.

All from parents.

Only then did she remember that she had just sent WeChat to her parents last night, saying that she would work overtime, and she would turn off the phone and mute it when she didn't go home.

Later they called, probably because they wanted to ask her if she was in the apartment, but He Yixia didn't receive it, which caused them to make countless calls later.

She didn't care about eating, and immediately called her mother back.

Thinking that Shen Yu'an had said that she wanted to see her parents, she turned on Mute, taking advantage of this time, she also happened to talk to her mother.

If her mother is worried that Shen Yu'an will despise herself because of the wrong door, she doesn't need to worry about it.

After the call came through, He's mother's anxious voice came: "Yixia, why don't you answer the phone? Your dad and I are almost dying of anxiety."

"Sorry mom and dad, I was too tired to go back to the apartment last night and didn't look at the phone."

"Your dad and I are just worried about whether you are safe to go back." Mother He said, "Just go back, you kid."

He Yixia said softly: "Next time I will call you before going to bed."

After all, they are parents who have lived together for more than 20 years. Even if there was a small gap before, they would not always remember each other.

He Yixia thought of this, and his emotions became much easier.

She said softly: "Mom, I'm telling you something."

Shen Yuan, who was sitting opposite, also put down his chopsticks, and had a foreboding what He Yixia was going to say.

If he wants to see his parents, he also needs to make some preparations in advance.

"It's okay if you want to talk about other things, but if you want to talk about you and Shen Yu'an, then forget it."

He Yixia subconsciously grabbed the phone and turned off the hands-free. She originally thought that her mother was worried that she would oppose her being with Shen Yu'an.

Time has passed for so long, her condition is getting better and better, presumably her mother also knows something.

Who knew that my mother's attitude was harsh and tough.

He's mother has always been a good person, even if she is an outsider, she doesn't have this attitude.

That's why He Yixia reassured and opened the hands-free boldly.

However, she did not expect that she would give He Yixia a basin of cold water.

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