Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3731: Extra Sinking Heian (187)

Mrs. Song stepped forward, and Chu Ning smiled and walked over with the wine.

"Madam." Madam Song greeted with a smile, "I heard that Yu'an has something good recently?"

"Yes, the relationship is confirmed, people are more energetic."

Mrs. Song thought of her daughter, knowing that it was impossible after all. She was sorry, but she could only say: "Congratulations, congratulations, I don't know which daughter it is?"

Chu Ning laughed: "Now I'm not even hiding it from me. However, whatever girl he likes, let him do it, it's rare that he has a heart-to-heart connection with him."

Mrs. Song knows that the Shen family pays attention to free love. People in their family talk about feelings rather than connecting marriage and interests.

So he smiled and said, "Yes, kids nowadays have very big ideas."

A sweet girl ran over and called "Auntie" to Mrs. Song, then she was tired of Chu Ning's ear and talked to her quietly, and then took her to act like a baby after she finished speaking.

"Okay, okay, go now." Chu Ning smiled softly.

Mrs. Song looked at her enviously, probably because the Shen family's marriage was based on a combination of feelings, so Chu Ning was nourished to such an extent that he could not see his age.

The children in the family are even more harmonious. Although the children have different personalities, they are all obedient and sensible.

Mrs. Song tried her best to raise a daughter, and her mind was haggard, but she looked at the three children and one daughter beside Chu Ning without any effort.

When Shen Chuxin ran away, Mrs. Song said sincerely: "Madam, I really envy you. At least, you can be like friends with your children."

Chu Ning had heard of Song Encheng's illness but was unwilling to leave the hospital, and knew that she was waiting for Shen Yu'an to visit him.

But the more she was like this, the more Shen family avoided it.

Shen Yuan would naturally not cause such trouble to herself.

No matter if it is a friend or the love of the family, the people of the Shen family also pay attention to getting along with each other and have to be measured.

Chu Ning smiled slightly and said: "On the Encheng side, if there is still a need, as a friend, where the Shen family can help, just speak up."

Mrs. Song understood what she meant, and the Shen family could help, but Shen Yuan would not.

Especially since Shen Yuan now has a girlfriend, he has to avoid it.

Chu Ning was frank and frank, Mrs. Song was full of entanglement, with a smile on her face, but her heart was very depressed.

When the guests were about to socialize, Shen Yuan stepped upstairs and knocked on his father's study door.

"Go in."

Shen Yuan walked in, saw his father still working, and stood there for a while.

"Yu'an, sit down." Shen Jingyu put the file aside, his unsmiling face still appeared soft when he saw his son.

Shen Yuan sat down, and Shen Jingyu asked him about his work.

He nodded while listening to his son, feeling quite relieved.

As expected of him and Chu Ning's children, excellent and transparent, very good.

The corners of Shen Jingyu's lips rose uncontrollably: "You have been working here for nearly four years, and your experience is about the same. Are you interested in going back to Baijing Palace to work?"

"Dad mean, let me work by your side?" Shen Yuan asked.

The department where I am now is already a very high position.

However, in Baijing Palace, it will go up one level.

Obviously, Shen Yuan's performance far exceeded Shen Jingyu's expectations, and he was invited to advance to the next level in advance.

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