Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3735: Extra Sinking Heian (191)

Song Encheng choked and refused to kneel, and looked at Mrs. Song with pitying eyes.

Mrs. Song also hardened her heart not to look at her eyes, and forgot about the small things, but she didn't dare to tolerate this matter this time.

Song Encheng finally knelt down crying.

Minister Song raised his whip and was about to pump it.

Mrs. Song stopped: "Husband, it's her own daughter anyway, who is still ill. What should I do if it is broken?"

"Then let her talk about how to do such a rebellious thing!"

Song Encheng cried and said, "Why is He Yixia? Shen Yu'an is kind to her, and you are kind to her, and you still bring it up with you. Why can she do this, but I can't?"

Minister Song and Mrs. Song couldn't answer her words like this.

Could it be that He Yixia was admitted to the department based on his ability, and was he selected because of his ability?

This is the truth, but it will make Song Encheng even more unconvinced.

"Why do all the benefits belong to her anyway, but I don't have anything?" Song Encheng raised his head and asked.

Minister Song was so angry that he couldn't speak, and for a long time he pointed to her nose and said: "From the time you wanted to use her grades to enter the department, you were so wrong! You are still asking me now! From today In the beginning, you are not allowed to go anywhere, you can only stay at home and reflect on your mistakes!"

"I don't want it, Dad, don't shut me down..."

Mrs. Song had to go to comfort Minister Song first, and then to comfort her daughter.

The whole family is jumping around, and most of the night is restless.


The next day, when He Yixia was at work, he came to Minister Song's office.

Although this matter was not her fault, when she came, she was a little afraid to see him.

Maybe she didn't want to see a father disappointed.

"Hey Translator, come here for a while." On the contrary, Minister Song saw her and spoke first.

He Yixia can only follow him.

"He translates, this time the little girl caused you inconvenience, I hope you can forgive it. The last time she stole your grades, it was her fault. This time something like this happened again..."

"Minister Song, did the matter of the last result have something to do with Song Encheng?"

Is this the first time He Yixia knows about this?

Minister Song said, "She used your grades for that matter, but fortunately, Minister Shen paid close attention to her and didn't let her continue to make mistakes. He also expelled her and several parties directly."

He Yixia only understood that it was so.

Shen Yuan didn't mention this matter before, because she was afraid of increasing her burden...After all, because of this matter, so many people were expelled.

It seems that there are still a lot of people involved by Song Encheng.

Minister Song said: "I want to tell you these things in the hope that your work will not be affected by these things and can continue as usual."

"In terms of work, I will continue to do things well."

Minister Song nodded comfortedly: "Then you go to work."

He Yixia saw that his hair was full of white hair, and she was a lot haggard. She thought of Song Encheng, and she didn't know what she thought. In order to frame herself, she could do this kind of thing.

Fortunately, Special Assistant Cao handled it in a timely manner, otherwise there would be any big disturbances, and Minister Song would have to recite all this.

Son-daughter debt, son-daughter debt, Song Encheng is the most typical.

Although this matter did not cause much consequence, Minister Song mentioned it himself during the internal meeting of the department and did a review again.

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