Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 374: If He Ning could give birth to a child...

"Just talk about this?" He Yiming asked back, "How do you know that I care about her because of her?"

It's not because of Ye Shu, is it because of yourself? He Ning's expression paused slightly.

"General He, I know you have some opinions on me... but I hope you don't put this emotion on my friends." He Ning said sincerely, "She is innocent."

He Yiming's lips were tight.

It turned out that she saw that she had an opinion on her.

Not stupid.

However, He Yiming admitted that he did have opinions about her before, but after contacting her, he has changed his views on her.

Shen Jingyu and Shanshan's affairs were originally no wonder He Ning.

But he didn't defend himself, so he acquiesced.

He Ning said in a low voice, "Ye Shu came here today and her mood is not very good. I hope it's not because of you. I also implore you, don't embarrass her."

Don't embarrass her? He Yiming's sword eyebrows lightly raised.

It's over, this woman, he is destined not to let go.

"Well, she doesn't mess with me." He Yiming said in a deep sense, and hung up the phone.

He Ning felt better now and glanced at Ye Shu.

Shen Jingyu and He Ning were urgently recalled to the Shen family by Shen Fengshan.

For many years, Shen Fengshan has not used this kind of emergency recall order.

He Ning followed Shen Jingyu, and when she stepped into the home of the Shen family, there was a sense of anxiety in her heart.

But immediately, she was grasped by Shen Jingyu's hand, soothing her emotions.

The main house is an old house, but it is well maintained, 60% to 70% old, simple and elegant, without losing the breath of modern civilization.

Ding Qinen greeted them with brows and gentle eyes: "Jingyu, He Ning, are you back?"

Her gentle attitude made He Ning feel more at ease.

"He Ning, let Jingyu go to the study, his father wants to see him." The words were addressed to He Ning, but the meaning was to be conveyed to Shen Jingyu.

Shen Jingyu put a kiss on He Ning's lips: "Wait for me to go downstairs."

He Ning flushed with elders present.

It was precisely because of the presence of elders that Shen Jingyu wanted to declare his attitude more clearly.

Sure enough, Ding Qinen's attitude towards He Ning turned softer.

However, she sighed silently from the bottom of her heart. If He Ning could give birth to a child, it would be fine...

Shen Jingyu entered Shen Fengshan's study, his father's back was standing in front of the carved bookshelf, condensed heavily.

"Dad." Shen Jingyu said.

Shen Fengshan's rare face was angry: "If you transfer part of the military affairs to He Yiming, you have directly reported to the president. Why don't you discuss it with me!"

Over the years, the son is too good and dazzling, is the pride of the Shen family, his pride, and the pride of the entire Dragon Empire.

He has been used to it for many years and never interferes with his son's ideas and decisions.

However, this time, it really touched the pain points in his heart.

"Dad, I don't want you to worry."

"But this makes me even more worried!" Shen Fengshan said with air.

Shen Jingyu was silent. There were some things that he couldn't tell his father for the time being, and he really didn't want to see his father's emotions like this.

"Let's talk about it, why do you do this?" Shen Fengshan turned around, sat down, and while pushing the teacup to Shen Jingyu, his anger was also controlled.

Shen Jingyu said softly: "I want to focus more on family affairs."

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