Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3748: Extra Sinking Heian (204)

He Yixia thanked everyone, and only then came out of Yi Xinyi's reluctant sight.

Minister Song happened to come over, and he asked her to send over the office supplies she left with him, and walked out side by side with her: "He translates, I believe you will not do such a thing."

When this matter only came out, he even investigated his daughter Song Encheng for the first time.

Department work and staff are very important, and he will never allow his family to disrupt work.

But Song Encheng shouldn't do it, so Minister Song was even more worried.

Worrying about someone in the department specifically targeting promising newcomers...

Such **** must be picked out to make people feel at ease.

"He translator, if you have any difficulties, please tell me as much as possible. If you think of anything else that can prove your innocence, you can always find me." Minister Song exhorted again before leaving.

There are two friends of Song Encheng’s next door to the department. They are standing aside watching a joke, “I was skeptical at the beginning that such a person can also enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now it seems that those who are unable to stay here will be kicked out sooner or later. !"

"That is, when I am someone. Still saying that Encheng uses her grades? Does Encheng need it?"

"Deserve it!"

From their perspective, Song Encheng was not wrong at all.

He Yixia is all wrong.

He Yixia turned around and turned to look at them. Seeing the toughness and determination in He Yixia's eyes, the two hurried back to their office in a jealous manner, not daring to provoke them publicly.

He Yixia went to the underground parking lot.

After a while, Shen Yuan's car arrived.

The car he drove, with the nameplate of a certain meeting hanging on his chest, obviously came in an emergency.

He Yixia's heart settled all at once, strode towards him and threw herself into his arms.

"It's okay." Shen Yuan patted his head gently.

"But now my suspicion is really the biggest. I haven't told Director Ling and Director Song the source of the manuscript." He Yixia whispered.

Shen Yu'an nodded: "I'll go to communicate. Chu Xiuping's side, I will also inquire again. I will accompany you back first."

"I was suspended..."

It also means that she has no permission to live in the staff apartment.

She also didn't want to return to her parents, because it was difficult for her, but it was even harder to deal with her mother.

Knowing about He's mother, Shen Yuan reached out and took her into his arms and carried her into the car: "I live in my own apartment."


Shen Yu’an’s private apartment is not far from the department and is well located.

The layout of three bedrooms and two halls is very spacious.

One is used as a study, the other two are bedrooms.

The master bedroom and guest bedroom are all cleaned up.

Before he knew He Yixia, he encountered the situation of working overtime in the department, and he lived here instead of the staff apartment.

"You stay here with peace of mind. I know that you are not doing things, so I will produce an investigation result as soon as possible." Shen Yuan gave He Yixia a reassurance.

He Yixia was anxious: "Then do you have any doubtful target candidates?"

"not yet."

She couldn't think of who else it would be.

Her computer has always been at home or in the office, and no one has ever known that she has this manuscript.

Even Li Xueying is a loyal fan of the film adapted from this novel, and He Yixia never mentioned a word to her.

what happened?


He Yixia had no work for a while, but Tang Wen and some of the bosses he knew before heard about it, but instead brought a lot of materials to her to translate.

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