Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3765: Extra Sinking Heian (221)

Minister Song called Father He.

Father He came to pick up people.

"Dad, I don't want to leave, I really don't want to leave! Why do you want me to leave?" Song Encheng cried heartbroken.

Minister Song and his wife were also very reluctant.

But they can't help it.

Minister Song was silent, and Madam Song tried to speak several times, but couldn't speak.

"Encheng, go back with Dad." Father He whispered.

"What dad? You are not my dad at all! You are a driver! Why are you my dad?"

Father He was so angry that tears came out of his muddy eyes.

Minister Song screamed: "Song Encheng!"

Song Encheng finally stopped and looked at him tearfully: "Dad, did I do something wrong? Why did you do this to me?"

Minister Song knew that if this matter was not resolved, He Yixia would never come back.

Of course, even if Song Encheng left, He Yixia still couldn't have a sense of belonging here.

Fortunately, Song Encheng is already an adult, and he has done all his responsibilities.

She was really right in this matter, but her existence would only make them think of the ugliness of father and mother.

"We won't take back the car and house originally bought for you. They are your biological parents. Go back and live your life." Minister Song said.

Song Encheng looked at his father and mother again, knowing that there was no hope.

She turned around and left.

Father He hurried to catch up: "Encheng!"

Mrs. Song threw herself into Minister Song's arms and started crying happily.

She was reluctant to bear Song Encheng, after all, she was the one who brought it up, but she felt sorry for He Yixia, and she was deeply anxious.

She was just as uncomfortable in this situation.


With the company of Shen Yuan, He Yixia's mood gradually improved.

Being dragged by Yi Xin and Li Xueying to go out for a few drinks, they finally drove out the worries in my heart.

After she resumed her normal work, Director Ling did not arrange her to work on Minister Song's side.

When she got off work, she walked out of the department and saw Mrs. Song standing at the door. She walked over as soon as she saw her.

Obviously it was specially to wait for her.

"Yixia." Madam Song stopped her.

He Yixia will stop.

"Yixia, let's talk."

He Yixia did not refuse.

The two found a place to sit down.

Mrs. Song asked her about her taste seriously and ordered her a cup of milk tea.

"You know what Encheng went back to He's house, right?" Mrs. Song asked.

"I don't know." He Yixia has worked hard to get rid of this information during this time.

Mrs. Song said softly: "Yixia, the house is ready, waiting for you to come back."

He Yixia lowered her head.

"Sorry, we didn't know about this for so many years. It hurt you so much."

"It's nothing, you don't know."

Mrs. Song replied in a low voice: "We are too careless, otherwise it won't be the case. By the way, what do you like to eat? When you get home, I will prepare more.

"Thank you." He Yixia smiled.

Mrs. Song was immediately overjoyed, and she took her to say this and that, as if she was going to tell her all the things for many years.

It was difficult for He Yixia to refuse, so she could only chat with her for a while.

When she returned to the apartment, Shen Yuan was already waiting for her on the sofa.

"Late off work today?" Shen Yuan stood up and walked towards her.

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