Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3772: Extra Sinking Heian (228)


Hearing the solemnity in his tone, He Yixia looked at him curiously.

"You said that although Shen Yu'an is with Song Encheng, you can't mess up your mind anymore." Tang Wenyu has a deep heart.

Now that Shen Yu'an and Song Encheng's affairs are going viral, He Yixia actually doesn't know whether Shen Yu'an knows.

But everyone outside knows it.

It's just that He Yixia really can't tell people that she and Shen Yu'an are together.

This matter was a little unsolvable for a while.

"What am I messing up?"

"The last two... I saw you and Minister Song together." Tang Wen was a little hesitating. The point is that the Minister Song that I saw the last two times was very good to He Yixia, almost... Such an attitude of Baishun Baishun.

Obviously spoiled.

It's not the attitude of superiors towards subordinates at all.

At that time, Tang Wen wanted to rush out.

It's just that he held it back.

Enduring this time, I accidentally ran into He Yixia in the district where Minister Song was.

He made up a lot of "He Yixia was dissatisfied with Song Encheng's acquisition of Shen Yu'an, so he made up his mind to become Song Encheng's stepmother".

Originally, He Yixia's matter had nothing to do with him.

But anyway, it was a friend, and he could not say that it was too hard.

"Yes, I'm looking for him because of work." He Yixia said.

Tang Wen blurted out: "But I think he treats you, it's not as simple as just looking for you to work."

"That's because you read it wrong."

"Then you still go out together in private?"

After finishing speaking, he saw that the expression on He Yixia's face was a bit rich, and he knew that he had failed to say that, "I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?" He Yixia asked back.

She flushed slightly.

Of course she couldn't just talk about the relationship with Minister Song.

And she grew up in the same community back then, and she still has constant feelings of giving up on that side.

In my mind, the matter of being Minister Song and Mrs. Song’s daughter has always been very complicated.

Tang Wen said hurriedly: "I really didn't think about it, and I didn't mean anything else. I just remind you that it's not good for others to think about it."

Once the rumors came out, it was her who would be hurt!

"Other people like to think and think." He Yixia can't control that much.

Ever since she joined the department, has everyone been talking nonsense?

It's all nonsense. She takes care of everything, so she doesn't have to work.

Seeing that she was unmoved, Tang Wen wanted to directly ask her what is the relationship with Minister Song, but now he can only press it and leave it alone.

"Do you want to go back? I'll drop you off."

"No, I called the car myself."

Tang Wen had to drive away first by himself.

As soon as his car left, Shen Yuan strode over.

"Tang Wen?" Shen Yuan asked.

"Well, I happened to meet and said hello." He Yixia said simply.

Shen Yuan glanced at her face a little red, and asked: "Did he throw up something bad in his dog's mouth again?"

He knows Tang Wen too well, changing his girlfriend is faster than changing his clothes. He thinks he is invincible in the world, and he has been among thousands of flowers, and the leaves do not touch his body. In fact, there are too many rotten peach blossoms. Flowers in the mouth are also a common thing.

"He said that he saw me and Minister Song walking together, and he said that I shouldn't mess up my mind because of you and Song Encheng together, and he said that he didn't have any random thoughts. Contradictory!"

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