Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3800: Extra Sinking Heian (256)

Chen Pingru continued, "Anyway, our department certainly can't tolerate this kind of petty theft, right? Especially when it comes and goes under the guise of feelings, it's really uncomfortable!"

They didn't know that Song Encheng was not Minister Song's daughter anymore. Minister Song notified some of his close relatives, and everyone kept a face for Song Encheng and did not bluntly expose it.

In front of Tian Keren and Chen Pingru, Song Encheng only had more lies, as if she herself was already with Shen Yuan, He Yixia was a shameful person who wanted to get involved.

Tian Keren and Chen Pingru are doing everything they can to help their friends!

Hearing these farce, He Yixia walked over slowly and said to Tian Keren: "Put things down."

"Why should I put it down? It's not yours!" Tian Keren held the ornament, but didn't let it go.

He Yixia said coldly: "If something goes wrong with the decoration, you can't bear the responsibility!"

Tian Keren was frightened by her tone and remembered that this ornament was originally Shen Yu'an. If it was really troublesome to break, he had to put it down reluctantly.

But even though she put it down, her tone was still contemptuous: "He Yixia, what are you doing stealing things? Do you think that if you steal this thing, Minister Shen will like you?"

"Whether he likes me or not is a matter between me and him. How do you prove that my decorations were taken from him?" He Yixia asked back.

"Everyone is familiar, we just know."

"Really? How did I steal it? To enter the minister's office, you need to go through the secretary office. The secretary office and the aisle are all monitored. How did I get it out? Do you want to apologize to me for the evidence?"

Tian Keren was shocked by her seriousness and woke up. He Yixia wanted to go to the minister's office to get something out. It was really not that easy.

It's not the office here, so you can go in and out at will.

She was speechless for a while.

He Yixia refused to give in: "If you say this, wouldn't it mean that you will kill people? If I can get the decorations from the minister's office, won't I also be able to get other things? As we all know, how many important confidential documents are kept in the minister's office. , Do you mean that I can also take out those things from there at will?"

"I didn't mean it, don't talk nonsense." Tian Keren also reacted, slandering people at will is a terrible charge.

She only sees the decorations, which can embarrass He Yixia, but for other things, she can't put a hat on He Yixia at will.

After all, He Yixia is still one of the most promising translators.

He Yixia pressed her tightly: "Then what do you mean? You slandered me for taking the ornaments, and you can't find evidence. Of course, you can slander me for taking other things?"

"He Yixia! Don't be aggressive!" Chen Pingru said, "You take the minister's decoration because you like her. Who doesn't know?"

"What about the evidence? How about the evidence that I have for things? I said that now I can call for monitoring. If there is, I apologize and resign; if not, you also apologize and resign, how about?"

Chen Pingru didn't expect her to be so strong, and she was speechless.

Who dares to make jokes about his career prospects?

They were just making a fuss, just venting for Song Encheng.

Others also thought He Yixia made sense, and said roundly: "Our translation has never been like that. Besides, there are really people who can take things out of Minister Shen's office. What a supernatural power, everyone? Everyone took a step back and won't be allowed to mention this in the future."

If Tian Keren and Chen Ping dared not keep tagging their hats, they would leave.

He Yixia stopped them: "Apologize."

"Why should we apologize?" Tian Keren and Chen Pingru didn't feel that there was anything wrong with them.

"If you have no reason to make trouble, of course you have to apologize! Otherwise, you should call the police and call for monitoring. If I was wrong, I apologized and left. If you are wrong, you apologize and leave."

He Yixia's attitude is very firm and solemn.

To these people who came to provoke, no mercy.

She looked completely unashamed, too shocking, already quite a bit of the majesty of a superior.

People like Tian Keren and Chen Pingru, who have worked for several years, are inevitably shorter in front of her.

The two hesitated and refused to apologize.

He Yixia directly took out his mobile phone: "Then I will call the police, let's call in the monitoring, and find out. If I should admit it, I admit it. If I don't admit it, I should clear up the rumors."

She called the police directly.

Tian Keren and Chen Pingru really panicked. They didn't expect He Yixia's attitude to be so strong that he could even do things like directly calling the police.

Judging from her attitude, she has never done anything like this. Most of the decorations should have been bought by herself.

Shen Yu'an's decorations are missing, which is probably just a coincidence.

If you do report to the police, the trouble will become serious, and the person who caused the trouble will definitely be severely punished.

Although Tian Keren and Chen Pingru have a father-and-brother relationship, they are actually very strict.

Tian Keren immediately grabbed He Yixia's hand and said, "Don't call the police, can't I apologize?"

Chen Pingru also had to say: "I also apologize. Don't call the police."

He Yixia just put away the phone: "Okay, then you apologize."

There are colleagues everywhere.

Everyone looked at them.

Judging from He Yixia's attitude, everyone believed that He Yixia would not do such petty thefts.

Also waiting for Tian Keren and Chen Pingru to apologize.

The momentum of the two of them couldn't be overcome, and they could only apologize: "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry?" He Yixia asked.

"Sorry, we shouldn't say you stole something. You shouldn't slander it casually."

He Yixia was satisfied and nodded: "Since it is a misunderstanding, I hope there will be no such misunderstanding in the future."

At this moment, Shen Yuan is appearing at the gate of the department.

Cao Tezhu hurriedly said, "It's all trivial matters, and the translation side has already solved it. Minister, I don't need you to come forward for now.

But Shen Yuan kept walking, and continued to go there.

"Minister, what are you..."

Cao Tezhu guessed that he was going to solve it himself, and he was a little worried.

After all, falling in love in the department is indeed secretive. If the Minister really tells it, he is in a high position and is criticized by others, it is really incredible.

"Since it's the matter between me and He Yixia, if something goes wrong, she will naturally not let her bear it alone."

Shen Yuan's footsteps are fast.

In fact, from the very beginning, he knew that in a secret love, He Yixia had to bear more than himself.

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