Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3808: Extra Sinking Heian (264)

Although He Yixia did not mention it to her colleagues, it does not mean that Director Ling and others did not know.

As the end of the year is approaching, the selection of outstanding employees in the department is also in full swing.

Director Ling discussed with other leaders, and decided that he should give He Yixia the award this time.

During the meeting, Shen Yuan sat in the first place, Minister Song in the second seat, and the others in turn.

Director Ling raised this matter in front of everyone: "He translated this action, regardless of personal safety, and first gave up his position of returning home to the expectant pregnant woman. This is a very remarkable behavior. She helped a lot and I think she deserves this award."

Neither Shen Yuan nor Minister Song spoke.

Director Ling continued: "Regardless of He Yixia's identity, we should not judge her behavior based on her identity. Whether she will be awarded an award is not based on her identity, but her behavior. "

Everyone knows that she gave the plane back home to the pregnant woman. At that time, the pregnant woman's thank you call came to the department, and her husband gave a pennant regardless of obstruction.

This matter alone cannot be overstated to He Yixia, an excellent employee.

Not to mention that she was indeed impeccable in her job this year.

"What's your opinion?" Director Ling asked.

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I agree."

Originally Minister Song didn't want He Yixia to be too protruding to be everyone's talk, but he was also very proud of his daughter.

In this case, he has no opinion.

Everyone voted unanimously.

The wind also spread out along with the meeting.

Li Xueying clamored for He Yixia to treat her to dinner.

Yi Xin also came to congratulate, "He Yixia, you should invite us to drink milk tea! Outstanding employee of the year! It's really amazing!"

"What do you want to drink? Take your phone and choose yourself." He Yixia said openly.

"Then I will choose by myself." Yi Xin was ecstatic.

In fact, the actual meaning of outstanding employees of the year is not much, and bonuses are only symbolic.

However, there will be more opportunities for promotion and salary increase, which also means that they can enter the line of sight of leaders.

These are only symbolic meanings for He Yixia now.

However, she is still very happy. Who doesn't like nice honors?

Yi Xin was choosing milk tea and hurriedly gave He Yixia her mobile phone.

"Have you chosen so soon?"

"Where, your minister sent you a WeChat." Yi Xin looked sullenly, as if she wanted to see it but was embarrassed.

He Yixia hurriedly opened it, and it was indeed sent by Shen Yuan, "I will celebrate for you in the evening."

"Speaking of this honor, if you just give it to me, will other people have opinions? I heard that some people have been fighting for this for a long time."

"You deserve it. They have the ability and they can fight for it."

He Yixia also thinks that there are more than a dozen places for outstanding employees of the year, and people with outstanding contributions have opportunities.

"Then I'm going to work, and I will try to get off work early."

Shen Yuan seemed to see her soft and cute look, and then sent a cute emoticon.

This emoji is so cute and contrasting with him, He Yixia laughed.

After laughing, I ordered milk tea for Yi Xin.

Other colleagues heard about it and clamored for a drink, so He Yixia ordered them all.

Everyone is happy here, but Chen Pingru is not so happy over there.

Originally, she should have one of this quota. For this quota, she spent a long time doing her job well.

She has been in the department much longer than He Yixia.

Who knew He Yixia got it, but she didn't have it herself!

Tian Keren put a pile of materials in front of her and patted her on the shoulder: "Next year, it will definitely work next year."

Chen Pingru said displeased: "I promised my parents that I would definitely do it today. I point to this award to affirm my achievements this year, and forget it if I lose to those seniors who are truly outstanding. But what is He Yixia? How long has she been here? Besides, she doesn't seem to have come in for an official exam, right?"

"Don't tell me, who is there to let someone behind?" Tian Keren pointed to it.

However, after Shen Yu'an's public explanation, Tian Keren also went to Song Encheng to verify. Song Encheng couldn't say anything. Tian Keren admitted that He Yixia really had no moral flaws in his relationship.

But in terms of work, this is hard to say.

But the matter has nothing to do with her, she just said this sentence casually.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, Chen Pingru listened to these words.

She can't just sit and wait like this.

In the pantry, the issue of awards for outstanding employees of the year has spread.

The more controversial is He Yixia's quota.

After all, she is indeed young, and the working hours are indeed not long enough.

Hearing the discussion, Wu Jiayang couldn't help but said: "It's not that I said, He Yixia has always been very good at work in our department, and several foreign languages ​​are very good. I think this award is fine. "

He is an old employee with a lot of qualifications, and now he is a newcomer. His words are indeed very convincing.

Everyone's discussion immediately became smaller.

Meng Cheng was also very grateful for what He Yixia did this time, and then said: "Don’t think He Yixia has a strong work ability, other aspects are also good. For example, the small country we went to this time had a temporary natural disaster. She could have left first. But when she met a pregnant woman, she gave up her position."

Mentioning this, Wu Jiayang and Meng Cheng thank He Yixia in particular.

Wu Jiayang caught up with his wife's delivery, and Meng Cheng quickly completed the wedding, which made his fiancee and the whole family very satisfied.

I have to thank He Yixia for standing up and staying behind.

Everyone gathered to listen to the story. After listening, they really felt that this outstanding employee award must be given to He Yixia.

Chen Pingru, who was pouring coffee, was very disapproving, and she narrowed her mouth and thought: "These people are really good at flattering. Why didn't you praise Yixia so much before? Haven't you seen Minister Shen and He Yixia openly Put honey on your mouth and rush to kneel and lick."

Thinking of this, she not only despised He Yixia, but even these well-qualified old employees.

How can He Yixia Hede get this award?

Based on these words heard in the tea room, Chen Pingru immediately collected some data, compiled them into posts, and posted them anonymously on the department's internal forum.

She knows that, in fact, in internal forums, if you want to find out who made the post, you will definitely be able to find it.

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