Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3810: Extra Sinking Heian (266)

Things fermented quickly.

The impact has also undoubtedly accelerated.

Chen Pingru had just begun to see everyone's unanimous crusade on public forums, and was still a little scared.

Later, I thought about it. I didn't go to the public forum to post it myself, and what I said was justified. What should I worry about?

If she goes to bread and shelters Shen Yu'an, the big deal is that she will tell them the truth. Isn't it possible that people are not allowed to tell the truth these days?

After she stabilized her mind, she was no longer afraid.

This kind of thing spreads very quickly and disappears.

Soon, it was no longer limited to a certain forum, but even had news on Weibo.

The netizens here are people who watch the excitement and are not too serious, and are filled with righteous indignation, wishing to go to Shen Yuan and He Yixia to ask for an explanation.

"A scumbag!"

"The dog and the man are really a pair!"

"Haikyo Palace still cares about this matter?"

"Isn't it supposed to be @ President's office? Leave it alone?"

Shen Yu'an has been busy handing over tasks recently, and he is so busy that he doesn't know anything about it.

The entire translation department contacted He Yixia in private.

There was a voice talking about this in her WeChat.

"I have helped you back, but it's not very useful. On the contrary, I feel a little unhelpful. I'm really sorry." Meng Cheng was very guilty.

Wu Jiayang also said: "I suggest you contact Minister Shen to resolve this matter as soon as possible, Yixia, lest it get worse."

The two of them actually didn't know what He Yixia did while staying there, and thought she really stayed with Shen Yu'an and accompanied him at work.

Although this is understandable, it does give people bad associations to say it.

In view of this, Wu Jiayang felt that Shen Yuan's shot was the best plan.

When He Yixia learned about it, she immediately logged on to the public forum to check the situation.

She frowned slightly when she saw these untrue accusations.

In the past few days in that small country, everything she has done has a clear conscience, but these people will pick things up and take things out of context.

It's just a pity that during the few days she stayed there, she was always too busy, and she didn't take photos or record videos for recording.

She was about to contact Lao Chen, the driver at the time, and wanted to use him to find evidence that everyone had taken at the time.

She hasn't contacted Lao Chen yet, and Li Xueying has already called: "Yixia, you were there and did so many things in those few days! I'm really touched! But, don't do it next time. That's it, you have done so many things, but you still have to be scolded so badly, it's not worth it!"

"Well, how do you know?"

"Didn't you read it on the Internet? Many people are talking about it. Alas, I didn't expect that you who are doing translation work would have to face these problems frequently. Suddenly I felt that I was so salty every day. It was a waste of life."

On the Internet, there are indeed many people who have begun to maintain He Yixia.

This matter was so quarrelsome, from small circles to large circles, and then to larger circles, naturally more and more people knew about it.

At that time, Lao Chen from the tour group couldn't stand it anymore and spontaneously came out to speak for He Yixia.

"I just found out today that someone was saying bad things about Translator He. The people who had been with Translator He during the past few days couldn't help but say a few words.

However, in our tour group, there was indeed a pregnant woman with a big belly. The family was worried about her and stopped the car that translated by He, hoping to get a chance to return to China as soon as possible.

Here, I really want to thank all the members of the Translation Department. Everyone is scrambling to give up their position. Everyone actively rushes to give up their position.

Later, Translator He stayed. I heard that other translators have their own business to be busy, some are going home to accompany their wives for delivery, and some are preparing for the wedding. Therefore, I think Translator He must also volunteer for this reason. He couldn't bear to delay the affairs of other colleagues, so he volunteered to stay.

As for the latter saying that she and her boyfriend stayed to fall in love, it was pure nonsense.

At that time, there were several tornadoes in that country, and the whole street was in chaos. There were a lot of people robbing the food in the supermarket, let alone staying for sightseeing. Our group, mixed with tourists from several other countries, were waiting for rescue. Because of the lack of food and language barriers, they fought.

At that time, it was He who set the rules for everyone to get along with, and she also figured out a way to solve everyone’s food and drug problems, and it was because she was proficient in various languages ​​that everyone could sit together and communicate peacefully and face difficulties together. .

To be honest, what she did makes us feel particularly moved when we look back on it now.

I hope everyone who is standing and talking will take a good look at the environment we were facing and what He interpreter did at that time, and then judge her.


The tourist posted a long Weibo and posted several videos he shot.

He is a travel blogger himself and likes to record what he sees and hears.

He basically recorded everything He Yixia did at the time.

The video fully shows the local environment, man-made disasters after natural disasters, and the mess on the streets.

In the video, He Yixia handled things in an orderly manner, busy communicating with people from various countries, arranging everyone to help each other and save themselves.

After he released the video, many other people also released the video that he filmed with him.

The small videos taken by other tourists are relatively not so exquisite. They are just random recordings, but on the contrary they are very real.

In these videos, whether it was morning, noon or night, He Yixia was busy doing things. Seeing that her beautiful and neat hair was stained with dust, she rolled up her long hair and tied it up.

Seeing her department uniform, stained with blood, mud, and dust, she looked tired, but her eyes were still bright.

What she did and her changes were recorded by everyone's intentional or unintentional video.

Some people even found out that on foreign forums, someone posted a video of her helping out.

This has been proved from the side, and she has indeed been helping.

What stayed here to fall in love, to see the scenery, is sheer nonsense!

However, some people photographed Shen Yu'an. When he was photographed, he was also busy dealing with the arrangement of personnel stranded in various hotels and districts.

Shen Yu'an, who appeared in each video, has a cold eyebrow but also has a compassionate and kindness, and has not shown any personal feelings during the whole process.

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