Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3812: Extra Sinking Heian (268)

Just thinking about it, Old Chen's call was also answered, and He Yixia hurriedly answered.

"He translates, have you seen everything on the Internet?" Old Chen's hearty voice came.

"I saw it all. I didn't expect everyone to come to help."

"Isn’t that what it should be? A member of a tour group saw the post and said in the group. Everyone couldn’t see it. They immediately posted the photos and videos they had taken. These people’s minds are It’s not easy. Even if you want to fall in love, you will find a better place. Who will talk over there?"

He Yixia laughed: "Thank you."

"We haven't thanked you yet. I left in a hurry that day, so I could just say hello to you and left. This time everyone will remember your love in their hearts. Everyone said that it is better for our own country and for people. When something goes wrong, it is always the first to be resolved. I heard that some countries have not arranged any rescue at all, relying on everyone to support it."

He Yixia nodded: "Our country always takes the safety of every citizen at heart."

After Shen Yu'an was busy with work, he saw the mobile phone handed over by Cao Te, and then he understood the farce of the day.

But now there is no more scolding.

It was replaced by the sound of a piece of sugar.

Although Shen Yuan is not in the fandom, there is a goddess in the family who knows a little bit about sugar, cp, food production, and editing gods.

Seeing everyone knocking him and He Yixia's candy together, many people are editing videos, deducing the two people's feelings beautifully and brilliantly.

He laughed and said, "These netizens are still a little insightful."

Cao Tezhu picked up his mobile phone and said with a smile: "Yes, but things reversed so quickly, thanks to what you and Translator He did, it is really not a choice. There is also... Your looks are worth it."

Shen Yuan glanced at him, coveting He Yixia's face?

Cao Te helped shrink his neck: "I am a cp fan, a cp fan."

There is such a big mess outside, of course the department must thoroughly investigate the source of the post.

Now that a new minister has taken over, Shen Yuan is completely out of the picture.

Chen Pingru didn't expect that the truth of the matter turned out to be this way.

She only caught one end and held it everywhere to ask for an explanation, without even having a clear understanding of the truth of the matter.

Especially, since He Yixia has done so many things abroad, how can she be completely silent, even the people in the translation department don't know?

She was completely panicked, and brought the whole department to the hot search with her own efforts, and was rounded up with foul language for a whole day. The impact was really bad.

She was sitting in front of the computer with cold hands and feet, her eyes straight.

Tian Keren said to the side: "Pingru, did you read Weibo? It turns out that He Yixia is not bad. I decided to take back the misunderstanding of her before. Anyway, Minister Shen doesn't like Song Encheng. Let us all clear it up. Be hostile to He Yixia."

Chen Ping was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with you?" Tian Keren patted her again.

Chen Pingru screamed and ran outside.

"What's wrong? Strange?"

Chen Pingru was finally called by the newly appointed Minister Liang and Director Zhang in the department.

Standing in front of the two of them, her mind was ashamed.

It's over, everything is over.

"Chen Pingru, you know what happened in the past two days, right?"

Chen Ping nodded mechanically as if awakened from a dream.

"As for Minister Shen and He translator, you can see what the situation is like. I think it is reasonable for the department to award He Yixia this outstanding employee." Director Zhang said in a relaxed tone. He was very calm and said, "It is normal for you to post. It is true that we have made mistakes in our work. We have not had time to announce to you why you chose to win this award."

But Chen Pingru knows that some leaders are like this. The more peaceful they are, the more disappointed they are.

Only if you have requirements, you will be stern.

She lowered her head and said nothing.

Departmental mistakes?

She was the one who made the mistake, and when she heard a little bit of wind, there was a big fuss. The department hasn't even announced the official list.

Director Zhang said: "This matter is almost the same as what was said on the Internet. I don't know if you have any questions or need anything to add?"

If there is a hole in the ground, Chen Pingru will definitely bury herself in it.

As the instigator, he has been scolded to the ground by others, and even the eighteenth generations of his ancestors have been affected.

Her parents can also be regarded as decent figures. She lost such a face and the outside world doesn't know who she is, but I am afraid it will spread in small circles soon, and even her parents will not be able to raise their heads.

"Since you don't have any questions, let's end this matter. As for the loss caused by your posting to the department... we need to study and punish you." Director Zhang said.

As soon as she heard the punishment, Chen Pingru became enthusiastic about it. She did so many things to add luster to the relationship between Shen Yuan and He Yixia. She still has to be punished?

She changed her attitude just now, and wanted to win a round for herself: "Director Zhang, I admit that my post was a wrong approach. But Minister Shen and He translated the two of them really have no public tools for private use. , Completely innocent?"

"I asked you, do you have any questions. If you have a question, I will answer it for you once."

Director Zhang was quite optimistic about the subordinate in front of him.

Now he could only shook his head secretly in his heart and cast a veto. With such a character, she was destined to not go far.


"Well, in that case, then I want to ask, is He Yixia recruiting staff according to the regular examination process? She can make an exception to enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Did Minister Shen help and give the green light?"

This matter has also been suppressed in her heart for a long time.

She never said, because she couldn't find any chance, she couldn't question it after so long.

But now she has reached this point. If she doesn't ask, she will lose her.

In this matter, she just wanted a way of saying that even if her future path of progress is blocked, she can't let others take advantage of the department's loopholes!

Secretary Zhang did not expect that she was talking about this.

He pondered for a moment, and turned his head to say a few words to Minister Liang.

Then, Director Zhang took out a document and handed it to Chen Pingru: "Let's see for yourself."

Chen Pingru does not believe that Shen Yu'an and He Yixia can come back.

She wanted to see, what else could they say!

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