Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3821: Extra Sinking Heian (277)

Out of courtesy as the host, Mrs. Song was not angry, but immediately turned cold: "Hello."

"Ms. Song knows He Yixia? I have something I want to tell you." Xu Meiyi didn't reveal anything in her words.

But her expression was so complacent, and it seemed that she was hiding some secrets to tell, so that people would know what she was going to do at a glance.

It's just that Mrs. Song has already guessed her nasty thoughts and doesn't want to hear a word at all.

Mrs. Song said lightly: "Oh? But I am very busy now. I suggest you to tell me after dinner tonight, or, if there are some things, don’t need to say. What you see may not be what you see, you think It's not what you think."

There is a deep warning and disgust in this statement.

But Xu Meiyi wanted too much to cling to Mrs. Song's relationship, so she ignored the deep meaning and emotion in her words.

She only heard one sentence "Tell me after the dinner".

Of such a secret thing, she would of course say after the dinner, Xu Meiyi nodded immediately: "Okay, then I will look for you after the dinner."

Madam Song glanced at her coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

Xu Meiyi didn't realize it, only immersed in the joy that was coming.

She immediately walked to Fang Yunqian's side and said, "Mrs. Song told me, and meet me after the dinner. If you want to go, then go first."

Fang Yunqian didn't want to leave first. Someone on the scene was holding his mind, and he was reluctant to leave.

Even though the people he was tied to did not tie him at all, or even didn't want to be tied to him.

Xu Meiyi ignored him and was attracted by the emcee on stage.

The emcee stood on the stage and smiled: "Thank you for coming to the banquet tonight. I don’t want to say much. Tonight’s hosts, Minister Song and Mrs. Song, have a lot to say to everyone. Let’s invite Minister Song and Mrs. Song. ."

Minister Song and Mrs. Song came to the stage hand in hand.

Minister Song picked up the microphone and looked at this full of people, suddenly his eyes flushed.

This should have been Yixia's life, and he brought Yixia for the first time.

He felt guilty, and when he spoke, his voice choked: "Please come here tonight, the main reason is a very important event."

Everyone felt his emotions, and many people who knew the inside couldn't help but listen carefully.

Some people who don't know the inside story are very curious about what happened when they see such a scene, and they are nervously waiting for the following.

"Everyone knows that I have an only child. However, for some very complicated reasons, my only child turned out to be a girl from another family, which caused her to live in another family for many years.

This time it was also a coincidence that we got her back. "

Some people who didn't know the inside story were surprised: "So isn't Song Encheng the daughter of Minister Song?"

"It's weird, did the hospital make a mistake?"

"Then who will Minister Song's biological daughter be?"

Xu Meiyi met Song Encheng several times during this period, but Song Encheng didn’t bother to pay attention to her every time. She bought the gift and visited the house several times. Song Encheng accepted the gift, but she didn’t give it to her when it came to things to do. Opportunity to speak.

When she heard this, her heart was a little flustered: "Song Encheng is not Minister Song's daughter?"

So, Song Encheng just accepted the expensive designer bags and designer skin care products he sent?

Xu Meiyi pricked up her ears nervously, waiting for Minister Song's message.

Minister Song’s voice became more sincere and full of affection: “Today, this is the banquet that I want to introduce the little girl to everyone. It is also a banquet specially prepared for the little girl. I hope everyone can get to know her formally, and please take care of her in the future. Yixia , Come to Mom and Dad's side."

The people in the audience are looking forward to it.

Those who knew had already known it, and could not help but applaud and welcome.

Those who didn't know heard this and understood, it turns out that He Yixia is the biological daughter of Minister Song and Mrs. Song.

No wonder... everyone thinks of Song Encheng before. She has average academic and work ability, but her willful ability is stronger than anyone else.

On the contrary, it is He Yixia. You have heard the name several times and worked well in the department.

Thinking about it this way, many people remembered that they hadn't seen Song Encheng for a long time, nor had Minister Song mentioned her.

Even during this year's New Year's Day, Song Encheng was not seen.

This is no wonder!

When He Yixia came to the stage, in this atmosphere, Madam Song's tears filled her eyes, her eyes red and red.

Xu Meiyi standing in the audience was stunned!

She was still thinking about who Mrs. Song's daughter is, and if there is a chance to get to know her.

When she heard He Yixia's name, her mind was dumbfounded.

Then, seeing He Yixia on stage, she fully reacted to what it meant.

She had seen He Yixia and Minister Song come together, and thought that there was an improper relationship between the others.

Now, she only felt that her legs were weak. If Fang Yunqian hadn't stood aside, she had supported him and helped, fearing that she would have fallen on the spot long ago.

She originally refused to accept this information, it must be fake!

But reason was telling her repeatedly that this matter was true.

Before the old community was demolished, she had seen Song Encheng several times over there. She originally thought it was her luck to meet Song Encheng in such a place.

Later, she even saw Song Encheng next to Father He.

Then, when the community moved, Song Encheng often appeared.

On the contrary, she had never seen He Yixia once.

She didn't understand what this meant before, and only felt lucky.

Now I think about all things together before and after, and then I know what the truth is.

She didn't know whether it was in her heart or her body. There were bursts of sharp heart-piercing pain, which made her sweat all over her body, and her palms were full of sweat.

When she came back to her senses again, He Yixia was talking on stage.

He Yixia changed into a dress. The light white fringe group just now was replaced by a red long dress. It was a fiery red color, which was very fit, but could not take away He Yixia's own beauty. On the contrary, it made her more. Somewhat graceful atmosphere.

Between her gestures, it is hard to imagine that she was born in that shabby old community and grew up in that old community.

She seemed to belong here by nature, her every move was bright and moving, relaxed and well received.

The people in the audience are discussing in detail.

Xu Meiyi only heard the endless discussions around her, and she rushed into her mind: "I heard that it was He Yixia who was exchanged for Song Encheng by He mother."

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