Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3826: Extra Sinking Heian (282)

When he got off work, He Yixia sorted out her clothes and added a little lipstick.

Yi Xin helped her check it again: "It's very good, it's okay. Go ahead. Although I have no chance to see elle in this life, but if you have seen it, it means that I have seen it. Come on, baby!"

He Yixia always wore tooling uniforms when she went to get off work, and she put on her silk dress when she got off work.

The long dress of self-cultivation outlines her slender waist, and the smooth texture is full of energy.

She put down the tied ponytail, and her long hair was slightly loosened, and it was smooth and slightly fluffy.

Shen Yuan came to pick her up, no matter how many times he saw her, he would still be fascinated by her appearance, and his eyes would fall on her and he couldn't move.

He came forward and opened the car door for her, and He Yixia crossed him to get into the car.

Shen Yuan grabbed her waist and whispered: "You look so good."

He Yixia blushed slightly: "I am afraid that going to see elle in this way will be too abrupt. The clothes are changed temporarily, and the hair is not taken care of."

"It's beautiful enough." Shen Yu'an kissed her hair before letting her get in the car.

In his eyes, blazing heat was suppressed, appreciation took the top spot, and love was beyond words.

He Yixia's mood also rose, looking forward to it while looking forward to it.

Elle is the same generation as Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning, but when they met in the restaurant, looking at her herself, they didn't show any sense of age at all.

She wears sunglasses, neat short hair, and high heels. She has exquisite makeup, and the outfits are well matched in color but very harmonious.

She took off her sunglasses, and when she saw He Yixia, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She bluntly praised: "Is Xia? Your figure can save me at least a month."

"What elle said was not a random compliment." Shen Yuan said to He Yixia, turning his head.

"Thank you." He Yixia thanked. She also admired elle's figure and appearance very much, and she couldn't help showing such an expression in her eyes.

Elle really likes He Yixia's figure.

She works all over the country, is accustomed to seeing all kinds of good figures on the fashion capital show, and has also customized wedding dresses for many Hollywood first-line actresses.

But He Yixia's figure still amazed her.

When eating, she ate elegantly but quickly. She smiled and said, "I feel that I want to devote myself to work sooner than ever."

"My honour." He Yixia got used to her way of speaking, knowing that what she said would definitely not be false, so she accepted it frankly.

She also increased the speed of eating slightly.

Shen Yuan saw that the two of them had a rare agreement, so naturally they would not spoil such a meeting. Soon after dinner, he accompanied He Yixia to elle's work.

Elle's studio here has been open for many years. It was the wedding dress she designed when Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning married.

Time has passed so long, her aesthetics and abilities have been continuously improved, and the scale of the studio has also grown.

However, there are fewer and fewer cases of her personally coming to the scene.

Had it not been for Shen Yuan's call this time, she would have had difficulty returning to her homeland.

He Yixia followed her into the studio.

Elle is a resolute temperament. After entering the studio, he explained the work of his assistants, and began to measure He Yixia's body size. She chatted with He Yixia, and determined by understanding her preferences and body size. The final style.

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