Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3830: Extra Sinking Heian (287)

"Not yet. Mom, you can sleep for a while. Dad also asked you to stay at home and wait for the news. How can you do if you are broken?"

Mrs. Song couldn't sleep at all: "I'll go out and look for it now."

Song Encheng saw that Xu Meiyi had given herself the address, and then said, "Mom, there is already news from my friend. I should have found He Yixia!"

"Really?" Mrs. Song immediately grabbed her hand, "Where? Is there any injury? Is there any problem?"

"I don't know for the time being, but the person has been found, let's go quickly." Song Encheng did not dare to delay too long.

Even if Minister Song didn't call the police, it would be very fast to find He Yixia's whereabouts.

I must hurry up to send He Yixia to Mrs. Song before Minister Song can find the person.

Otherwise, this kindness will not fall to his own head.

When the time comes, I will not be able to receive this love.

Mrs. Song didn't care about changing clothes and dressing up, and directly urged: "Go, let's go to see Yixia now!"

She walked out desperately, in a trance, but when she thought of finding He Yixia, her mental state improved a lot, and she smiled.

Song Encheng accompany her and said: "I just said that Yixiaji people have their own natural looks, and there will be no accidents. Mom, if you care about her like this, she will definitely take care of herself."

"Yes, Yi Xia has always been a sensible child. She will definitely be fine and return to me safe and sound." Mrs. Song said with feeling.

"I heard from a friend who found her said that she is in very good condition now and there is nothing wrong with it. Mom, you don't need to worry about it."

Mrs. Song nodded: "Encheng, I really thank you this time."

In fact, if Mrs. Song thinks more about things, she will definitely notice that there is a problem with this matter.

But up to now, her whole person was in a mess, her mind was dizzy, and she rushed back from the field without sleeping all night, so she didn't think about Song Encheng at all.

What's more, Song Encheng's performance this time was so good, even if she remembered afterwards, it would be difficult for Mrs. Song to guess her like this.

So Song Encheng is completely confident now.

"Mom, you've always been so good to me, how can I not return you? Besides, Yixia is your daughter. If she is good, you are good. When you are good, I will ask for nothing. Mom, I have been out for so long, and I have always cared about you, and always thought that as long as you and dad are doing well, it will be my greatest blessing."

When Mrs. Song heard her say this, she didn't know how pleased she was.

The original disappointment towards her has also diminished a lot.

After all, Song Encheng, who was taken care of by Mrs. Song for so many years, grew up, and she immediately softened her heart: "Encheng, I am so happy that you can think like this. But mom likes it the most. You live your own life and take care of yourself. , No need to return us."

"Yes, you have taken care of me for so many years. I can't wait to be able to take care of you by your side now. I thought it would be enough to have He Yixia by your side. But I didn't expect her to marry so soon. She left. Later, you and dad will definitely be lonely again. If only I could come back to accompany you."

Song Encheng's remarks sounded like weeping, and the effect was very good.

Madam Song couldn't help but feel distressed, and she was indeed moved.

Yes, if Song Encheng really changes, and he still thinks about He Yixia everywhere, it doesn't seem to be a great thing to let her come back?

Anyway, after Yixia gets married, she must also live with Shen Yu'an.

After Madam Song had this thought in her heart, she couldn't help it.

However, the most urgent matter is to find He Yixia first, and she constantly asked: "How long will it be? How is the situation on Yixia's side?"

"Alright, we will be here soon." Song Encheng comforted.

The car finally stopped at the destination.

Song Encheng looked at this big hotel, feeling a little confused in his mind.

No, Xu Meiyi shut He Yixia here?

It's really hard to imagine how this caught people here.

But Xu Meiyi said that it was this position, and Song Encheng had reached this point, and it was difficult to look back.

Especially, when Mrs. Song had already wavered and wanted to go back by herself, Song Encheng couldn't shrink back at this critical point.

She had to help Mrs. Song to walk towards the interior of the hotel.

Mrs. Song is also very suspicious: "You said Yixia is here?"

"Yes, I heard from my friends that Xu Meiyi captured Yixia and hid it in a very hidden place. Now it should be my friend who rescued Yixia and settled here." Song Encheng made up a lie, and Mrs. Song entered the elevator.

Mrs. Song no longer doubted, and waited for the elevator to go up.

Now her key is to find her daughter!

As for Xu Meiyi, she must be sent to prison at that time to repay her wicked debt!

Song Encheng and Mrs. Song finally got outside the hotel room where He Yixia was.

Mrs. Song knocked on the door immediately: "Yixia, Yixia, are you inside?"

He Yixia slept in a daze, but Shen Yuan had already told her about the matter in advance. She put on her dressing gown, walked over to open the door, saw Mrs. Song, and said in surprise: "Mom, why are you here?"

Mrs. Song immediately hugged He Yixia and cried: "Daughter, fortunately, you are fine. It made you suffer."

Song Encheng pretended to persuade him: "Mom, it's okay, I said, Yixia is fine."

Seeing Mrs. Song holding He Yixia, she was jealous. This not only represents a hug, but also represents everything about Mrs. Song, which belongs to her beloved daughter.

"This time, thanks to En Cheng." Madam Song let go of He Yixia, her eyes were still red, "Yixia, you were taken away, and it was Encheng's friend who helped..."

"Auntie, why are you here too?" Li Xueying also walked out in her nightgown.

Mrs. Song's face changed slightly immediately.

Song Encheng didn't expect that Li Xueying was also there, and looking at this posture, it seemed to be a far cry from what Xu Meiyi said.

Li Xueying said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I stayed here for one night with Yixia, but I didn't expect to alarm you all.

"This...what's going on?" Even if Mrs. Song fainted again, she reacted right now.

"What's the matter? Let Xu Meiyi come to tell everyone."

Shen Yuan's voice came.

He and Minister Song came together, followed by Xu Meiyi, and two sneaky men.

Madam Song said angrily: "Xu Meiyi, did you take my daughter? Is there anything else you dare not do?"

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