Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 384: The pig that specializes in arranging cabbage

He Yiming was slightly disappointed that she couldn't see her beauty completely, but luckily he was full of reading last night, and said, "Let's go, eat."

"I'm rushing to work."

"I have asked He Ning for leave. Besides, I guess Miss Pig would want to be a starving ghost, right?"

"You are a pig, and your whole family is a pig! Your entire community is a pig!" Ye Shu gritted his teeth and muttered.

"Is Miss Pig cold? Teeth fighting?"

Ye Shu didn't speak.

The auntie who served food was a little bit stunned. When he was buying clothes last night, the general said it was for Miss Ye, but now she changed it to Miss Zhu?

Was it because the general changed women too quickly, or was it just for fun, and didn't even figure out the girl's last name?

Ye Shu lowered his head and poked the dishes on the plate.

He Yiming saw that she didn't move the fried bacon, and said, "Reluctant to eat the same kind?"

"You and Bacon are of the same kind!" Ye Shuya bit down itchingly, as if biting He Yiming, chewing hard.

After dinner, He Yiming sent her to the company.

Ye Shu originally wanted to go home and change clothes, but he didn't want to stay with him for too long, so he had to forget it.

When she arrived at the company, she was wearing a skirt because she was a rare one. When she entered the door, the security guard stopped her: "This lady, please don't enter."

"I'm Ye Shu, I work here."

As soon as Ye Shu spoke, the security recognized her and said hurriedly, "Sorry, sorry."

When Ye Shu appeared upstairs, there was a lot of jokes.

"Oh, this is Ye Shu? The tomboy has become a lady?"

"It's so beautiful, tut..."

"I didn't recognize it, she turned out to be Ye Shu. What happened to the bruises on her body?"

Ye Shu hurried to hide in his office.

He Ning knocked on the door and walked in, and asked with concern: "Ye Zi, how was last night?"

"Fortunately, fortunately." Ye Shu hurriedly raised a smile.

But she was only wearing a skirt, and the hickeys on her arms and legs were too conspicuous. He Ning himself knew those marks and knew what they were.

She said in surprise: "Ah, He Yiming, he really treats you..."

"Yeah, he is a pig! Or the kind that specializes in arranging cabbage!" Ye Shu hummed with anger.

Looking at Ye Shu's appearance, it was more of anger than resentment. He Ning suddenly felt that she didn't seem to be so repulsive to He Yiming?

"Ye Zi, what are your plans with him?"

Ye Shu remembered what He Yiming had said four thousand times, his face flushed, and then he shook his head vigorously: "How can I have a plan? I will be satisfied if I don't want me to see him again. Seeing him again, I You have to beat him into a pig's head!"

He Ning pursed his lips and smiled, as if he could already feel what Ye Shu meant.

She said softly: "Ye Zi, although I have some trouble with He Yiming, I have to say that he is a good person."

"How do you know?" Ye Shu disagreed with her words.

"Because Jingyu said, I believe everything he said."

Ye Shu rubbed her head: "Hey, it really is a woman who was dazzled by love."

"So if you want to develop with him, don't worry about my feelings. I don't hate him deeply, right? For you, I am willing to accept him as a friend." He Ning said.

"I won't tell you, I'm going to have coffee." Ye Shu said uncomfortably, holding the cup and walking out.

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