Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3840: Extra Sinking Heian (297)

Moreover, in everyone's opinion, Shen Yu'an bought this car for the purpose of appreciation. Everyone praised for a while that he manages money and has a money concept.

By the way, I was envious of He Yixia.

He Yixia dealt with everyone casually, but didn't think so in her heart, but it was not easy to break.

He Yixia listened to everyone's discussion, but wanted to see the car, but now it is not good to leave immediately, so she can only wait patiently.

Everyone talked about how Shen Yu'an would collect this car and so on, before they went to talk about other things.

Mrs. Chen arranged some other projects, and the whole banquet was also lively and everyone was very happy.

After all these banquet projects are almost over, He Yixia can't wait to leave.

Mrs. Chen saw that she had been restless, thinking that she felt that everyone was talking about childbirth at the banquet, which evoked He Yixia's upset.

She regards He Yixia as an imaginary enemy and takes the lead in this matter, and her mood is getting better.

What if your husband once liked He Yixia?

Fortunately, didn't you marry yourself to be able to hold your baby early?

"Mrs. Chen, thank you for the hospitality today, I will leave now." He Yixia stood up and said, she was about to leave with her bag.

Mrs. Chen talked about walking slowly, but took He Yixia out step by step.

She held her abdomen that was not showing much, and took a horoscope. He Yixia repeatedly told her not to send it. She promised, but did not listen to it in action, and she had to send He Yixia out.

Among the many wives and wives present, He Yixia's identity is the most noble.

Mrs. Chen insisted on sending it this way, and the others had to accompany him to take He Yixia out. The scene was very mighty for a while.

When He Yixia walked halfway, Shen Yuan's phone came over and asked her where she was.

"I'll be out soon." He Yixia thought this Mrs. Chen was really annoying, but since she wanted to persist, she would just do whatever she wanted.

Everyone just like this a group of people hugged He Yixia to the outside.

Shen Yu'an was parked in front of a car, and he did not expect that so many people would come out with He Yixia.

Mrs. Chen was about to say hello, and she raised her eyes and saw the car Shen Yuan was holding. Didn't it happen that she was planning to borrow it for a photo today, but there was no borrowed car?

Shen Yuan is driving the car now?

He bought it, isn't it for collection? Shouldn't it be placed on the exhibition stand carefully, and reserved for future appreciation?

Everyone also saw Shen Yu'an's car, and when he drove the car casually, they were all amazed for a while.

This car can really be regarded as a boutique among the boutiques. There is only this one in the world's limited edition, and there will never be a second one.

He just drove it out.

However, thinking that he was here to pick up He Yixia, it seemed that he could understand it. He bought a new car and naturally wanted his wife to take a look first.

He Yixia walked towards Shen Yu'an, and Mrs. Chen greeted him: "Master Shen, are you here to pick up Mrs. Shen? Sorry, I can’t move, I’m not able to greet them well, and I'm negligent.

Her hands were on her belly, her face was full of the joy and soft light of motherhood.

"I came to take my wife home. I didn't expect to disturb you all. I'm sorry." Shen Yuan saw her politely, and said to her politely, but his eyes didn't fall on her, instead he kept on He Yixia's body.

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