Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3852: Emperor extra

"Are you done, Qiao Jin?" Qin Tianlan walked over with Xiaoyi.

Qiao Jin shook her head.

In front of Xiaoyi, she didn't complain about He Xiasheng.

In front of him, she never mentioned He Xiasheng.

There is no need to let him know that he has a father who once put him to death.

Qin Tianlan was a little surprised, but didn't ask much, and drove home with Qiao Jin and Xiaoyi.

After Xiaoyi went back, he obediently entered the room to read the picture book before Qin Tianlan said: "What's the matter?"

"According to the information, I have not yet divorced He Xiasheng."

"How is this possible? Didn't you personally give the divorce agreement to him?"

Qiao Jin couldn't understand what was going on either.

Qin Tianlan wondered: "Didn't he have a woman he likes? After you leave, he should be eager to get divorced and get married again. What's wrong with this?"

"I don't know. There is no way now, I must contact him personally."

Although Primary One now has a nationality account, it will not affect anything for the time being.

But dragging like this will definitely not work.

This time it’s the primary one going to school, what about next time?

Qiao Jin still has her own life, and there will be many places where she will need personal information in the future.

Will it be restricted by He Xiasheng in the future?

"This person is really true. He treated you the way he did before, but now he is dragging his feet on not getting a divorce." Qin Tianlan couldn't help but complain, "I really don't understand what he is going to do."

Qiao Jin didn't want to drag on any longer.

Entrusting Xiaoyi to Qin Tianlan's care, she took her bag and mobile phone and went out.

"Xiaoyi, don't worry, leave it to me, I will take good care of him." Qin Tianlan said after her.

After Qiao Jin went out, she thought about it and called He Xiasheng.

He Xiasheng is in a meeting.

Sit on the main seat and listen to the work report from the person in charge at will.

The people below know that he seems to be casual, but in fact he is very concentrated, and he never misses any information.

When the phone rang, He Xiasheng glanced.

It is an unfamiliar number.

But suddenly, he felt something, sat up straight, and picked up the phone.

"Hey..." An unfamiliar and somewhat familiar voice came from the other side.

It's Qiao Jin.

Qiao Jin had no news for the first time in four years.

He Xiasheng's voice remained calm: "What's the matter?"

Qiao Jin squeezed the phone, why would he still dare to ask himself?

Dare to love these four years, he didn't take the documents he handed over to him at all, and didn't even bother to look at it?

"Is it always? I ask you, why haven't you signed the divorce agreement I gave you four years ago?"

Calling four years later, this was the original question.

He Xiasheng's eyebrows faded a lot: "That is my own business, there is no need to explain it to you."

Qiao Jin gritted her teeth with anger: "So Mr. He, let's get things done at some time. Or, you can ask the assistant to bring things to me, and I will do it myself."

"where are you?"

"I'll give you an address, or express it to me."

"I ask you, where are you?"

Hearing the gnashing of his teeth, Qiao Jin didn't want to tell him: "Mr. He, just send something and I can receive it. As for where I am, I don't need to report to you, right?"

"Come and pick it in person, I have no time to bring it to you." He Xiasheng finished speaking and hung up the phone.

After hanging up, he found out that he was still in the conference room, and his subordinates lowered their heads, looking like they wanted to see gossip but didn't dare to look.

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