Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3855: Emperor extra

Qiao Jin was too angry when she came out and didn't bring He Xiasheng to the door.

The word abnormal went straight into He Xiasheng's ears.

"Perverted?" He Xiasheng repeated these two words.


Then, he will tell her what a real perversion is!

Qiao Jin's footsteps gradually faded away.

Qin Tianlan said in surprise: "Meaning, he doesn't want to leave now?"

"Yes, he said nothing to give me the divorce agreement." Qiao Jin didn't know what to do for a while.

It is impossible for her to bring Xiaoyi to make He Xiasheng's divorce peace of mind.

She only fully understood now that she thought she knew He Xiasheng, but she didn't understand it at all.

It turned out that he hated himself so much that not only did he not want to give birth to his children, but he even wanted to destroy his happiness for the rest of his life in this way.

She still remembers that when she confessed to him and told him that he wanted to marry him, although he was astonished, he did not refuse.

She thought that as sincere and sincere, Jin Shi was open, he saw his sincerity.

Qiao Jin took a taxi home, and the past kept circling in her mind along the way.

When he got home, Qin Tianlan comforted: "Forget it, he doesn't agree now, doesn't mean he won't agree in the future. He can afford to wait, and the women around him can't afford to wait. He can always wait until the day he agrees to come down. Little one On the admission side, I will help you find a teacher, there shouldn’t be much problem."

"Well, this can only be done first." Qiao Jin nodded.

Fortunately, the school Qin Tianlan introduced is a private school in itself. It doesn't take the child's household registration seriously and the card is not strict. You only need to pay a little more to enter the school.

However, this matter has not been resolved, and it will always become Qiao Jin's confidant.

It's just that for now, she has to settle down first and make plans for herself and Xiaoyi's life.

Qiao Jin found a babysitter first, and then went to apply for a job in a design company.

This company called Mingxi Design, specializes in architectural design.

In recent years, Qiao Jin has been studying abroad while working. She is in this industry, and now she has a deeper understanding of this industry.

After the interview, she soon got a job as a designer.

Chi Hua, her immediate boss, walked out with her.

"Congratulations, Qiao Jin, I also feel happy for the company and got you as a general." Chi Hua is about fifty years old and is a very talented woman.

Before, when she was traveling abroad, she worked with Qiao Jin, and she was very optimistic about Qiao Jin.

When she was a part-time guest teacher at a foreign university, Qiao Jin happened to take her course again, and the two of them were both teachers and friends, and their relationship was very good.

"Thank you too, Mr. Chi, for introducing this company to me. With your introduction, I can come to the interview smoothly."

"Looking at what you said, I wanted you to come and help me a long time ago. I asked you to come with selfish motives. If it weren't for your ability, where can I recruit people to myself? Add chaos?" Chi Hua said with a smile.

"I won't say much about thanking you, Teacher Chi, I will come to work on time tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go back first." Chi Hua waved to her.

After parting with Chi Hua, Qiao Jin walked out slowly.

On the face, He Xiasheng came in with his assistant Han Dong.

When he saw Qiao Jin, He Xiasheng paused and looked at her up and down.

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